Samad Goudarzi; Majid Jalali Farahani; Ali Saberi
The purpose of this study was to The Effect of Authentic Leadership Style on the Psychological Well-being of the Employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth with the Intermediate role of Psychological Capital. This research is descriptive research was a correlation based on structural equations The ...
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The purpose of this study was to The Effect of Authentic Leadership Style on the Psychological Well-being of the Employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth with the Intermediate role of Psychological Capital. This research is descriptive research was a correlation based on structural equations The statistical population of the study consisted of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, which was 860 people. According to the Krejsi and Morgan tables 260 people were selected as the statistical sample. Finally, using a simple random sampling method, 237 questionnaires were used for analysis. To measure the variables, the Luthans (2007) Psychological Capital, the Neider and Schriesheim (2011) Authentic Leadership and Ryff (1989) psychological well-being questionnaire were used. that validity and reliability were confirmed.for data analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations were used by Liserel software. The research findings showed that authentic leadership, both directly and indirectly through psychological capital affect the psychological well-being of employees. Therefore, it is suggested to sports managers that in order to improve their psychological well-being and psychological well-being, using their appropriate leadership style, they will develop the fields of psychological capital development and psychological well-being.
Volume 3, Issue 3 , September 2016, , Pages 19-25
The purpose of study was to examine The Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Mediating Role of Organizational Trust in Ministry of Sport and Youth Iran. The research method is descriptive-correlation and statistical population included all experts of ...
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The purpose of study was to examine The Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Mediating Role of Organizational Trust in Ministry of Sport and Youth Iran. The research method is descriptive-correlation and statistical population included all experts of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, that their number is 350 people. And stratified random sampling proportional to size, 185 of were selected as sample. The tools measuring of authentic leadership questionnaire Olive et al (2007), the organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire Padsakf et al (1990), the organizational trust questionnaire Moorman et al (1988). For data analyze, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation coefficient test and regression analysis test were used. In this study we were used from SPSS and LISREL software’s. Also, based on the suggested model can be said that, authentic leadership with positive effects on confidence corporate average by a factor of 0/48 and 0/78 high positive effect on behavior. Organizational trust with beta coefficient 0/56 a relatively high positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. It can be concluded between authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behavior there is a significant relationship with the role of organizational trust.
Maryam Hosseini; Shirin Zardoshtiyan
Volume 3, Issue 2 , July 2016, , Pages 11-19
The purpose of this study was to the effect of authentic leadership style on spirituality at work with mediating role of psychological capital in the west iranian jeneral youth and sport offices, The research method is descriptive survey and the population of this study included all administrative employees ...
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The purpose of this study was to the effect of authentic leadership style on spirituality at work with mediating role of psychological capital in the west iranian jeneral youth and sport offices, The research method is descriptive survey and the population of this study included all administrative employees of jeneral youth and sports west of Iran are 182 of us. The sample was considered as a whole number. In order to collect data, three questionnaires of authentic leadership Avolio (2007), psychological capital Luthans et al (2007) and spirituality at work Mylymn (2003), was used. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling and path analysis were used by the PLS software. The results showed that authentic leadership directly impact on spirituality at work staff. Also authentic leadership indirectly through the variables of psychological capital on spirituality at work is affected employees. This means that psychological capital as a mediator in the relationship between authentic leadership and spirituality at work played a role. It is concluded that sport organizations can substantially due to psychological problems staff and style of authentic leadership in their organizations, Provide field to increase spirituality and advancing and improving the performance of organizations staff.
Zeinab Mirzaeiyan; Abdorahman Mehdipour; Tahereh Azmsha; Kamran Eydipoor
Volume 3, Issue 2 , July 2016, , Pages 31-37
The purpose of this study has been investigating the relationship between authentic leadership and organizational trust among the employees of Khuzestan Province Sport and Adolescent Organization. The research method is descriptive correlational method. Its statistical universe is all personnel of Khuzestan ...
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The purpose of this study has been investigating the relationship between authentic leadership and organizational trust among the employees of Khuzestan Province Sport and Adolescent Organization. The research method is descriptive correlational method. Its statistical universe is all personnel of Khuzestan Sport and Adolescent Organization in 2014-2015 (n = 145). Statistical sample has been determined according to Morgan table (n=120)and through simple random sampling. Measurement instruments of data was Olive Standard Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (2007), and Cummings Organizational Trust Inventory (1996); the content validity of questionnaires has been confirmed by 12 sport management professors, and their reliability has been analyzed through a preliminary study on 30 subjects, which Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient were determined respectively 0.88 and 0.84 respectively. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Stepwise and Multiple Regression) have been used to data analyze. Research results indicated that there is relationship of 0.59 between authentic leadership and organizational trust; moreover, the result of stepwise regression indicated that authentic leadership predict and explain 0.37 changes in organizational trust. It is possible that authentic leaders, through positive social interaction with their followers, make their employees more enthusiastic toward doing their job, and even experience more positive emotions. Authentic leaders increase employees' trust and respect by being conscious, being honest, decision making on the basis of internal ethical standards, and ability to realistic analyze.
Bahram Yousefi; Kamran Eydipour; sajad gholami torkesaluye
Volume 2, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 57-63
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between authentic leadership style with job interest of General Sport and Young offices employments of west provinces of Iran. Study population was all employments and staff of General Sport and Young offices of west provinces of Iran (N=300). ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between authentic leadership style with job interest of General Sport and Young offices employments of west provinces of Iran. Study population was all employments and staff of General Sport and Young offices of west provinces of Iran (N=300). Sampling was done through category-simple sampling using Morgan Korsji Table (n=185). Study tools were two standard questionnaires included authentic leadership Questionnaire of Ovelyo, Gardner et al (2007) and Job Interest Questionnaire of Lodahal and Kejner (2001) that their reliabilities were reported 0.834 and 0.779 respectively. For data analyzing, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Study results showed significant positive correlation between authentic leadership style and its factors with job interest of employments. The results of multiple regression showed that basic leadership style can define and predict 0.240 of job interest changes. Based on the results, it can be suggested to managers of these organizations for improving interest of employments to their jobs and increasing their attitude and thoughts to organization and also improving organization performance, consider authentic leadership as their management style