Meysam Noori Khanyourdi; Mahdi Bashiri; Rasoul Faraji; Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh; Daryush Marefat
The aim of this study aims to influence organizational identity, organizational commitment and turnover intention of ethical climate. This research was applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation method, in terms of field-library ...
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The aim of this study aims to influence organizational identity, organizational commitment and turnover intention of ethical climate. This research was applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation method, in terms of field-library data collection, in terms of how the research was conducted. The statistical population of the study was the staff of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth of East Azerbaijan Province. The statistical sample-based on Morgan table was 178 people who were selected by simple random sampling. The measurement Instrument in this study was the Allen & Meyer's organizational commitment questionnaire (1990), the A tendency to leave the organization Flint (2013), Victor and Cullen ethical climate (2013), and the organizational identity of Ashforth and Mael (1992). Its face and content validity were confirmed by 10 sports management specialists; The reliability of the organizational identity questionnaires, ethical climate, turnover intention and organizational commitment were obtained using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.89, 0.87 0.92 and 0,88 respectively. For data analysis in the descriptive statistics section of the average and standard deviation by SPSS software 24, and in the inferential statistics section, structural equations were used to evaluate the causal relationships between variables using Lisrel Version 3 software. Findings showed that ethical climate has an effect on organizational commitment and organizational identity and there is a positive and significant relationship but its effect on the turnover intention of the service was not confirmed. Therefore, managers of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth should identify the factors affecting the moral climate in order to increase organizational identity and organizational commitment and reduce the turnover intention of the service.
Faezeh Aghaey Meybodi; Mojgan Salehipour
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between managers' good behaviors and organizational citizenship behavior with the role of organizational intermediary mediators in employees of sport and youth departments in Ilam province. The research method was descriptive-correlational ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between managers' good behaviors and organizational citizenship behavior with the role of organizational intermediary mediators in employees of sport and youth departments in Ilam province. The research method was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population of the staff of the department of sport and youth in Ilam province was 146 people in 1397. Due to community constraints, the sample was considered equal to the total population of 146 people. In total, 101 questionnaires were returned to the researcher. In this research, questionnaires were used by Niko Nasr Esfahani (2012), Organizational Behavior of Podsakoff et al. (1990) and organizational and organizational ethics of Victor and Coulin (1987-1988). Validity of all three questionnaires was confirmed by specialist professors and the reliability with Cronbach's alpha was 0/90, 0/79 and 0/85, respectively. Data were analyzed using PLS SMATR-SPSS16 software. The results of the research showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between managers' good behaviors and organizational citizenship behavior with the role of organizational earmarked mediator. Hence, the good managerial and behavioral interest in sports organizations can create appropriate incentive policies and strategies to boost organizational citizenship behaviors in the staff.
Nasser Bai; Zahra Haji Anzehaie; Akram Esfahani Nia
The purpose of present research is to study the effects of social responsibility and ethical organization atmosphere on the employees’ job engagement in sport and youth offices of Golestan province. It is descriptive - survey. The statistical population was 220 employees of the sport and youth ...
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The purpose of present research is to study the effects of social responsibility and ethical organization atmosphere on the employees’ job engagement in sport and youth offices of Golestan province. It is descriptive - survey. The statistical population was 220 employees of the sport and youth offices of Golestan province which selected as the sample of the research. For collecting data, Lechuga (2012) social responsibility questionnaire; Arnaud et al (2002) ethical climate questionnaire and Skas (2006) employees’ job engagement questionnaire were used. The reliablity of the questionnaires was determined respectively 0.89, 0.81 and 0.85. To analyze data and identify the effects of research variables, structural equation modeling with the PLS software were applied. The results indicated that commitment to employees has no significant effect on employees’ job engagement. The effect of commitment to society on employees’ job engagement was positive and significant. Also, the positive effect of commitment to customers on employees’ job engagement was confirmed. Finally, the research findings claimed that the ethical organization atmosphere has a positive and significant effect on employees’ job engagement. According to the research results, it can be concluded that developing social responsibility and creating a positive ethical atmosphere in sports and youth offices can increase employees’ job engagement.
Behzad Izadi; Abed Mahmoodian
Volume 4, Issue 4 , January 2018, , Pages 75-89
Servant leadership is the most effective leadership approach to creating and developing an ethical Climate in sports organizations due to its unique features.The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of servant leadership on perceptions of an ethical climate in Sport Organizations through ...
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Servant leadership is the most effective leadership approach to creating and developing an ethical Climate in sports organizations due to its unique features.The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of servant leadership on perceptions of an ethical climate in Sport Organizations through the mediating organizational trust and justice.The following survey was done with descriptive and Structural Equation modeling type. The statistical sample is equal to society (N = n=138),which includes all employees of sport and youth departments of Kurdistan province. From the standard questionnaires Servant leadership Van Dierendonck and Nuijten (2011),organizational justice Colquitt (2001), Trust Robinson (2012) and Ethical Climate Wang and Hsieh (2012) were used why their form and content validity and its internal consistency were verified respectively by specialists and by Cronbach's alpha(the order, .84, .80, .92, .85), and a confirmatory factor analysis for the validity of its constructs and SEM model was used for the analyses of the data.The findings showed that the leadership servant has a positive and significant effect on perception ethical climate.Also,two variables of trust and organizational justice have a positive and significant role in moderating role of relationship between leadership servant and ethical Climate. Sport organization managers can use the leadership style of the servant and behaviors of this style, and focus on organizational justice and the development of employees' trust, the creation and development of an ethical Climate to reduce the scandals, behaviors and ethical issues in the field Sports support