Sport Management
Abolfazl Farahani; Seyyede Neda Mirhajiyan; Ali Mohammad Safania
The purpose of this study was to validate the factors affecting the social capital status of sports in Iran (a case study of sports elites). The research method is mixed or in combination, according to the purpose of the research. The statistical population of the study included managers and officials ...
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The purpose of this study was to validate the factors affecting the social capital status of sports in Iran (a case study of sports elites). The research method is mixed or in combination, according to the purpose of the research. The statistical population of the study included managers and officials of sports clubs and athletes and students of physical education. SPSS Sample Power software was used to determine the sample size in a small step. Using this method, the sample size was estimated to be 370 people, of which 370 questionnaires were distributed and collected among the statistical population. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. The questions of this section were obtained based on the model obtained from the qualitative stage of the research. The scoring type of this questionnaire was based on the 5 Likert scale. The validity of the designed questionnaire was approved by 10 professors in the field of sports management. The questionnaire also consisted of 5 main components: causal factors, contextual factors, intervening factors, strategies and consequences. Also, to validate the desired model of the model, structural equation modeling of the confirmatory factor analysis approach is used. AMOS software was used for this purpose. The results showed confirmation of items and factors in the first and second order confirmatory factor analysis tests, meaning that the factor loads of items and factors were higher than 0.4.
Organizational Behavior Management
Marzieh Khalifeh Soltani; Mahmoud Goudarzi; Amin Dehghan ghahfarokhi
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship model of social and cultural capital with the social participation of sports celebrities with the mediation of social responsibility. The method of this research was a descriptive-survey type and the statistical population was sports celebrities, ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship model of social and cultural capital with the social participation of sports celebrities with the mediation of social responsibility. The method of this research was a descriptive-survey type and the statistical population was sports celebrities, 278 people were selected as a statistical sample from the available sampling method due to the difficulty of data collection. Data collection tools included researcher-made questionnaire on social participation, social responsibility,cultural capital, and social capital.The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 10 specialists and their reliability was calculated in a preliminary study with 30 subjects and Cronbach's alpha was 0.83, 0.86, 0.76 and 0.85 respectively. The data was analyzed through structural equatio modeling method using Lisrel software. Structural equation modeling analyzes confirmed the suitability of the proposed model. According to the obtained results, one of the methods of persuading sports celebrities to engage in extra-role behaviors for social participation and social responsibility is to improve the social and cultural capital of famous athletes.
Abolfazl farahani; Hamid Ghasemi; Narges Sedaghati
The Red Crescent Society is one of the most important and largest relief and philanthropic organizations, and dealing with issues which develop its social capital in the society is what the managers concern of. The purpose of this research was to explain the role of the volunteer movement, especially ...
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The Red Crescent Society is one of the most important and largest relief and philanthropic organizations, and dealing with issues which develop its social capital in the society is what the managers concern of. The purpose of this research was to explain the role of the volunteer movement, especially sports volunteers, in the development of the social capital of the Red Crescent population. This research in terms of type is practical and the qualitative method was used to achieve the research objective. The statistical population of the research consisted of 21executive principals and professional experts. Sampling was done purposefully through the snowball method and continued until theoretical saturation was reached. Data collection was done using semi-structural interview. After summarizing the data, through the thematic analysis(TA) method, the data was coded. It was obtained from 70 primary codes by thematic method and classification of codes and extraction of concepts, patterns or main themes. Finally, according to the results, it can be stated that the social capital of the Red Crescent population has five important components, including The volunteer movement, the organizational structure, organizational culture and attitude, social identity and international essence. Considering the important role of Manpower in this organization, it can be said that the volunteer movement is the result of the other components of the social capital of the Red Crescent community. The development and improvement of the level of social capital of this organization can increase the productivity of this organization in response to incidents.
Shahram Nazari; Ahmad Mahmoudi; Mohsen Kosaripoor; Fahimeh Hasani
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of social responsibility and professional ethics in promoting the social capital of physical education teachers in Tehran. The research was applied in terms of purpose and methodological, descriptive and correlational based on structural equations. ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of social responsibility and professional ethics in promoting the social capital of physical education teachers in Tehran. The research was applied in terms of purpose and methodological, descriptive and correlational based on structural equations. The statistical population of this study included all physical education teachers in Tehran during the academic year 1398-1983, which were 2343 in total. Sampling using cluster sampling taking into account the statistical population of the sample size table was used Morgan sample and accordingly the sample size was 425 people. The standard questionnaires of social responsibility and Stuartz (2003), Moghimi and Ramadan professional ethics (2011) and Khodadad et al. (2010) social capital questionnaires were used to measure the research variables. Data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS software for descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between responsibility with professional ethics, teachers' professional ethics with social capital and social responsibility variable with professional ethics. Finally, the results of structural equations showed that social responsibility through the mediator variable of professional ethics had a positive and significant effect on the social capital of physical education teachers in Tehran.
Ali Jafari; Morteza Rezaei Soofi; Loghman Keshavarz
purpose of this study was to design a social capital communication model and productivity of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.. The statistical population of the study included all 850 high-level, middle and senior managers, responsible experts, experts and experts working in the Ministry of Sports and ...
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purpose of this study was to design a social capital communication model and productivity of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.. The statistical population of the study included all 850 high-level, middle and senior managers, responsible experts, experts and experts working in the Ministry of Sports and Youth (Staff Division). According to the Morgan table, 265 people were randomly selected as sample. Social capital and productivity questionnaires were used to achieve the research objectives. Validity of both questionnaires was confirmed by 15 experts and their reliability was calculated in a pilot test with 30 subjects with Cronbach's alpha of 0.82 (social capital questionnaire) and 0.87 (productivity questionnaire). In order to analyze the collected data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov, T single-sample, confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, path analysis and to determine the causal relationship between variables using structural equation modeling method SPSS and AMOS software were used. The results of this study showed that social capital affects the productivity of managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Also, in the relationship between social capital and productivity, the dimension of assistance, evaluation, clarity, motivation, credibility, environment, and ability are the most effective.
Morteza Heidari; GholamReza Shabanibahar; Nasrolah Erfani; Majid Soleymani
Aim of this descriptive-correlation study was developing structural modeling organizational Innovation based on Social Capital among youth and sport ministry staffs of Islamic republic of Iran. The population of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth (N =890), that That according to Krejcie ...
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Aim of this descriptive-correlation study was developing structural modeling organizational Innovation based on Social Capital among youth and sport ministry staffs of Islamic republic of Iran. The population of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth (N =890), that That according to Krejcie & Morgan table 396 were selected by random sampling method. Measurements tool in such study to gathering data were Organizational Innovation Jimenez and et al questionnaire (2008) and Social Capital Nahapiet and Ghoshal questionnaire (1998). Content validity of both questionnaires confirmed by 15 Sport Managment professors and reliability through Cronbach's alpha test In an early example of 30 number for Organizational Innovation and Social Capital respectively equal to α= 0/928 and α= 0/971 were reported. All data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling via Software SPSS23 and LISREL8.5. Results of the present study indicated that structural model of Organizational Innovation based on Social Capital confirmed that all of the questions have a significant effect on the developing structural model (p < 0/01). Goodness of fit and Social Capital could lead to a significant effect on Organizational Innovation among youth and sport ministry staff (p < 0/01, T= 11/19, β= 0/64). It seams Social capital has a significant effect on Organizational Innovation activities in staffs youth and sport ministry. This may lead to create new ideas and genius activities in such ministry.
Ali Jalili Shishevan; Fariborz Dortaj; Esmaeil Saadipour; Nourali Farrokhi
Volume 4, Issue 3 , August 2017, , Pages 33-50
The objective of this research was to investigate the variability of causal relationships between social capital, self-esteem, and academic hope in team and individual elite athletes. For this purpose, structural equation analysis method was used. The population of research included all elite sports ...
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The objective of this research was to investigate the variability of causal relationships between social capital, self-esteem, and academic hope in team and individual elite athletes. For this purpose, structural equation analysis method was used. The population of research included all elite sports students, who could win the medal in Iran’s Students Sports Olympiads during the years 2012 to 2016. Among them, 349 elite athletes were selected using proportional stratified sampling method, which 140 of them were active in team sports and 209 of them were active in individual sports. The data were collected using the questionnaires of Mobaraki Social Capital Questionnaire (2005), Rosenberg Self-esteem Questionnaire (1965), and Sohrabi and Samani Academic Hope Scale (2011). The assumed model of the research was analyzed using Imus software for groups of team and individual athletes. According to the results, the team sports group and individual sports group model explain 25% and 41% of the changes in the hope variations, respectively. In team athletes, two components of social trust and social participation had a direct impact on academic hope. However, in the individual athletes group, only the component of social support showed a direct impact on academic hope. Investigating the indirect impacts revealed that only in the team group, self-esteem is not able to mediate the relationship between the components of social capital and academic hope. However, in the individual group, self-esteem mediates the relationship between the components of social support, mutual relations, social cohesion, and academic hope. Finally, the results were explained based on the theoretical principles and previous studies and some recommendations were provided to use its results.
Mohammad Bigharaz; Ebrahim Alidoost Ghahfarokhi; Ghodratollah Bagheri; Mohsen Ghofrani; Ali Saberi
Volume 3, Issue 1 , May 2016, , Pages 47-58
The aim of this research was to survey relationship spiritual leadership and social capital with psychological capital in Asia Vision League in Fars province. Research method was descriptive-correlation and population of this research includes all of football players presented in Fars, which in this ...
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The aim of this research was to survey relationship spiritual leadership and social capital with psychological capital in Asia Vision League in Fars province. Research method was descriptive-correlation and population of this research includes all of football players presented in Fars, which in this research it was used the total population sampling method. 180 questionnaires were distributed and finally 165 questionnaires were returned and used to analyze statistically. Data analyzed in two levels descriptive statistics (average, correlation coefficient, variance) and inferential statistics (Regression Pearson correlation coefficient). In this research sport management experts ideas used for questionnaires validity and reliability coefficient obtained from Cronbach's alpha method for spiritual leadership obtained 0.89 and for social capital 0.90and for psychological capital 0/088. The results showed that there was significant relationship between spiritual leadership and social capital with psychological capital. Result is that in todays' turbulent environments of sport teams through a series of relatively small and highly focused interventions that coaches want instant feedback on their teams performance results, the nature of social capital development could be helpful.
Hossein Eydi
Volume 2, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 11-24
The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social capital, job satisfaction and organizational commitment and performance of the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The population of the study, 303 experts and directors of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, formed, out ...
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The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social capital, job satisfaction and organizational commitment and performance of the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The population of the study, 303 experts and directors of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, formed, out of which, 181 people were selected. The data gathered, four questionnaire organizational performance Hersey and Goldsmith (2003), commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1997), social capital (Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998) and job satisfaction (Minnesota, 1967). Formalized their validity, and reliability was obtained, using Cronbach's alpha for the questionnaire on organizational performance, 0/87, organizational commitment, 80/0, social capital, 86/0 and job satisfaction 0/90. The results of analysis on the structural equation model indicated that the model fit was good, and acceptable. And all paths (hypotheses) were confirmed with high confidence. In the meantime, most of the work on the relationship between organizational commitment and performance (54%). Social capital and job satisfaction are also each work 41 and 33 percent on their commitment.