The purpose of this study was codification of strategic plan for Islamic Republic of Iran Triathlon federation by SPP model. Document analysis, relevant literature review, surveys, PEST SCAN (α = 0.86), SWOT analysis and meetings were used to collect the data. 22 people include president, ex and ...
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The purpose of this study was codification of strategic plan for Islamic Republic of Iran Triathlon federation by SPP model. Document analysis, relevant literature review, surveys, PEST SCAN (α = 0.86), SWOT analysis and meetings were used to collect the data. 22 people include president, ex and current vice presidents and previous members of the Board of Directors ex and current members of the Board of Directors ex and current Secretaries and Heads of delegations Provincial of the federation were selected and surveyed. By Delphi method, meetings and several strategic analyzing steps, 11 strengths, 10 weaknesses, 8 opportunities and 13 threats were recognized and ranked by Friedman test. According to the SPP model, Mission, vision, key areas of performance, objectives and strategies of Federation was codification.