Maryam Hosseini; Shirin Zardoshtiyan
Volume 3, Issue 2 , July 2016, , Pages 11-19
The purpose of this study was to the effect of authentic leadership style on spirituality at work with mediating role of psychological capital in the west iranian jeneral youth and sport offices, The research method is descriptive survey and the population of this study included all administrative employees ...
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The purpose of this study was to the effect of authentic leadership style on spirituality at work with mediating role of psychological capital in the west iranian jeneral youth and sport offices, The research method is descriptive survey and the population of this study included all administrative employees of jeneral youth and sports west of Iran are 182 of us. The sample was considered as a whole number. In order to collect data, three questionnaires of authentic leadership Avolio (2007), psychological capital Luthans et al (2007) and spirituality at work Mylymn (2003), was used. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling and path analysis were used by the PLS software. The results showed that authentic leadership directly impact on spirituality at work staff. Also authentic leadership indirectly through the variables of psychological capital on spirituality at work is affected employees. This means that psychological capital as a mediator in the relationship between authentic leadership and spirituality at work played a role. It is concluded that sport organizations can substantially due to psychological problems staff and style of authentic leadership in their organizations, Provide field to increase spirituality and advancing and improving the performance of organizations staff.