Heidar Hosseini; Hemmatollah Bastami
Volume 3, Issue 3 , September 2016, , Pages 109-116
The aim of the present study, Developing The ethical workbook of Physical education authorities of university of payamenoor.Statistical research society of physical education, all the authorities of the provinces, as well as the directors of the Department of physical education-payame Noor University ...
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The aim of the present study, Developing The ethical workbook of Physical education authorities of university of payamenoor.Statistical research society of physical education, all the authorities of the provinces, as well as the directors of the Department of physical education-payame Noor University have established that country statistical sample is equal to the number of population and 35 people.29 questions questionnaire measured tool researcher with factor 5, accountability, justice, honesty, professional attitude and respect was. Validity of the questionnaire by 10 professors of sports management confirmed. Reliability of the questionnaire using cronbach's alpha obtained 0.87. In order to analyze the data from the statistical descriptive indicators, such as the mean and standard deviation of the distribution, frequency and % and were used. For status questions, and the concept of a single t-azazmon a sample as well as to prioritize the questions and test data from Friedman and to compare the questions, and the concept of ethical workbook from the independent t-test and analysis of variance were used.. For factor analysis of structural equations manner,pls and spss22 software were used. Based on the results of all the dimensions of the concept of moral system in the 95% confidence level are meaningful And the size of their share of structure fitted up to have played a significant Among the factors affecting the ethical dimensions of the codification system to arrange the dimensions of professional attitude, justice and accountability is the highest priority.