Sara Kazemi; Bahram Yousefi; Saeed Sadeghiborojerdi
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of quality of working life on career plateau and organizational indifference of the staff of the National Olympic Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The method of this research is descriptive - correlation. The statistical population of the ...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of quality of working life on career plateau and organizational indifference of the staff of the National Olympic Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The method of this research is descriptive - correlation. The statistical population of the study was the official staff of the National Olympic Committee, which returned 88 analytical questionnaires. The tools used in this research were Walton standard quality of work quality questionnaire (1973), Dannyfard and et al, Organizational indifference (2006) and Donald Alfred (2008) Organizational Plateau Questionnaire. Their reliability was 0.87, and 0.75 respectively. For formal and content validity, experts were used and for construct validity the confirmatory factor used. for confirmatory factor analysis for construct validity. To analyze the data and fit the model, Structural Equation Modeling was used using PLS Smart software. The findings shows that the overall quality of life has a negative and reverse effect on the two variables of occupation and organizational indifference. career plateau also has a positive and direct effect on the organizational indifference. Considering the intermediary role of occupation between the two variables of quality of Life quality and organizational indifference, with regard to the significance of the paths, career plateau can be called a partial intermediate variable between two variables. Regarding the results, it is suggested that organizations improve the quality of work life by promoting the conditions for reducing organizational indifference, and career plateau of employees in the organization.
Shirin Zardoshtiyan; Maryam Hosseini; Javad Karimi
Volume 4, Issue 3 , August 2017, , Pages 61-69
The purpose of this study was to Explanation, the effect of career plateau on intention to quit job with mediating role of burnout in the physical education teachers Kermanshah Province. The methodology was descriptive survey. The population included is an all physical education teachers were working ...
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The purpose of this study was to Explanation, the effect of career plateau on intention to quit job with mediating role of burnout in the physical education teachers Kermanshah Province. The methodology was descriptive survey. The population included is an all physical education teachers were working in 1395 in Kermanshah Province, The number of them was 1230. The sample was determined based on Kerejci & Morgan table comprising 320 people and cluster random sampling. The statistical sample consisted of 320 teachers of physical education cluster-randomized sampling method were selected. In order to collecting the data,three standard questionnaires was used, career plateau (Mylymn, 1992),intention to quit job(Kevlar, 1984) and burnout (Mlch- Pines, 2005), The Validity of the questionnaires by using experts was evaluated and for reliability of the questionnaire Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used, which appears to be highly reliable and desirable to them. was used. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling and path analysis were used by the PLS software. The results showed that career plateau directly impact on quit job physical education teachers. Also career plateau indirectly through the variables of burnout on quit job physical education teachers Kermanshah Province employees.