Rasoul Nazarii; Fariba Rafeei Dehkordi; Rahim Ramezani Nejad
Political behavior in the organization is a paradoxical issue, and despite its positive and negative bipolar view, it is an integral part of the organizational life. The purpose of this study is to present a model of political behavior in the strategic decision making of sports managers in the country. ...
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Political behavior in the organization is a paradoxical issue, and despite its positive and negative bipolar view, it is an integral part of the organizational life. The purpose of this study is to present a model of political behavior in the strategic decision making of sports managers in the country. Its method has been qualitative and it is exploratory-fundamental in nature. Research data were collected through snowball sampling technique and based on in-depth interviews with 12 physical education elites in university sports (including senior managers of university physical education departments and managers and experts of general directorate of physical education). Data were coded and analyzed based on grounded theory and Charms' constructivist approach. Results of analyzing the qualitative data obtained from the interview, presenting the model of political behavior and decision-making of sports managers in the form of 8 main codes of integration of categories were formed based on the existing relationships between them, based on the political behavior of managers. The conclusion of this study is our reasoning about the positive and negative aspects of political behavior, which is the influencing ability of these factors on the strategic decisions of sports managers. According to many interviewees, the most important positive aspect of the political behavior is also achieving goals in the shortest time with the least cost, and deviating from the goals of the organization is mentioned as a negative factor in the political behavior of sports managers.
Majid Jalali Farahani; Masoud Freydoni
The main purpose of the present study was to model the effect of service and distribution leadership on dynamic job behaviors and enhance the organizational performance of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.The research method was descriptive correlational, in terms of target and in terms ...
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The main purpose of the present study was to model the effect of service and distribution leadership on dynamic job behaviors and enhance the organizational performance of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.The research method was descriptive correlational, in terms of target and in terms of data collection method was survey type. In order to study servant leadership, distributed leadership, dynamic job behaviors and organizational performance. Firstly, existing research in informational and library resources was studied and after several consultation and review sessions, effective factors were identified and in the form of a questionnaire and a conceptual model of the research, two times as Delphi method, the experts' survey was laid. A questionnaire was developed in the form of 9 questions for servant leadership, 6 questions for distributed leadership, 7 questions for dynamic job behaviors and 5 questions for organizational performance. Structural equations modeling was used to analyze questions.دThe fit model results (NFI=0.94, TLI=0.92, CFI=0.91, GFI=0.90, AGFI=0.91) indicate that the model is suitable. Also, the results of path analysis confirmed the effect of service leadership and distributed leadership on dynamic job behavior and organizational performance. The knowledge gained from this research helps managers and planners of sports organizations to focus on enhancing organizational performance through the development of specific leadership behaviors.
Akbar Farid fathi; Zahra Rezaei; Mahzari Haghighat; Masoumeh Bahmanzadeh
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of strategic intelligence on organizational change capacity with the role of moderating the legal environment in sports organizations. The method of research was descriptive correlation which was done by field method. The statistical population ...
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The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of strategic intelligence on organizational change capacity with the role of moderating the legal environment in sports organizations. The method of research was descriptive correlation which was done by field method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all top executives and staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, heads of sport and youth departments of the provinces, heads of sports federations of 150 people. Due to the limited community, sampling method was used for total number of samples and 116 questionnaires were collected. The research tools were three standard Niknejad legal environment questionnaire (1395), artistic strategic intelligence questionnaire (1396) and organizational change capacity questionnaire Jajj (2009) which was used after validity and reliability verification. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, percentage, frequency and tables using Spss V23 software. For statistical inference, the data were analyzed by structural equation modeling using IBM Amos 23 software in two parts of the measurement model and structural part. . The results showed that strategic intelligence has a significant effect on organizational change capacity in sport organizations (p = 0.01). The role of moderating the legal environment in the impact of strategic intelligence on organizational change capacity was also meaningful, and the model derived from the legal environment, strategic impact, and organizational change capacity were adequate. Attention to the strategic intelligence of managers and the preparation of an appropriate legal environment will increase the capacity of organizational change.
Rasool Nazari; Mohammad Anvari; Zeinab Aboodarda
Volume 5, Issue 2 , May 2018, , Pages 57-67
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of mental strength on communication skills, self-management and functional efficiency of sports organization managers. The research is descriptive and correlation. The statistical population was all the managers of sport. Due to the lack of accurate ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of mental strength on communication skills, self-management and functional efficiency of sports organization managers. The research is descriptive and correlation. The statistical population was all the managers of sport. Due to the lack of accurate information on the number of communities, the statistical sample ceiling was considered to be 384 according to the Cochran formula. To collect data, the Kobasa (1979) Mental Identity, Nazari (2016) Management Skills, Houthun and Neck (2000) Self-management and Hsu (2002) Efficiently Performance were used. Ten sports management professors confirmed the formal and content validity of measurement tools. For reliability, after the preliminary studies, alpha coefficient was obtained (0.98, 0.99, 0.99 and 0.89) respectively for the questionnaires. All data were analyzed using the SPSS/19 and LasirL /8.54. The findings of the model of path analysis of the effect of mental strength, sport managers on management skills, between management skills and self-management, between self-management and functional efficiency at the level are significant. Perhaps it can be admitted that managers with high mental strength and management skills in the environment in which they work or the results that they achieve can lead to fundamental changes in the organization.