Mehdi Goudarzi; Seyed Shahrzad Mohseni Ardahali; Iman Rahimi
Volume 4, Issue 4 , January 2018, , Pages 65-74
The purpose of this study is to examine the Relationship between organizational citizenship behaviors and burnout In Staff of Islamic Republic of Iran Triathlon Federation. The research is correlation one and is performed in a field research method. The Statistical population includes 250 managers and ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine the Relationship between organizational citizenship behaviors and burnout In Staff of Islamic Republic of Iran Triathlon Federation. The research is correlation one and is performed in a field research method. The Statistical population includes 250 managers and staffs at of Islamic Republic of Iran Triathlon Federation and 151 members of this population are selected as sample for this research. The data were collected by organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire (pudaskoph,1990) (α = 0.78) and as well as burnout Inventory Mzlch and Jackson (2001) (α = 0.87) questionnaire. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics including Klmvgraf - Smirnov, t student and a single regression using spss software. Therefore the result shows that there is a negative and meaningful relationship between organizational citizenship behaviors and burnout In Staff of Islamic Republic of Iran Triathlon Federation.Finally, the results can be used to enhance the performance of employees in the Islamic Republic of Iran Triathlon Federation
Vali Nowzari; Mohammads Hassan Boustani
Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2014, , Pages 31-38
The present research was aimed at investigating the relationship between coaches' decision-making styles and the rate of satisfaction and burnout of men and women basketball premier league players in Iran in 90-91. This research was a correlation one and the statistical sample in the research included ...
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The present research was aimed at investigating the relationship between coaches' decision-making styles and the rate of satisfaction and burnout of men and women basketball premier league players in Iran in 90-91. This research was a correlation one and the statistical sample in the research included 201 male and female athletes (110 females and 91 males). The instruments used were decision–making style questionnaire of Scat and Borous, burnout questionnaire of athletes of Radak and Smith, as well as athletes’ satisfaction questionnaire of Cheladorai and Rimer. The reliability indices of the instruments were confirmed by Cronbach's alpha and their validity indices were achieved through factor analysis. To analyze the data, mean, frequency, percent, correlation coefficient, regression in step-by-step method, t-tests, and one-way ANOVA were used. Findings showed a positive and significant relationship between coaches' decision making styles (intellectual, perceptual, sudden, avoiding and dependency) and athletes' burnout (emotional exhaustion, performance decrease and devaluation). Also the results revealed there was a positive and significant relation between coaches' decision making styles and athletes' satisfaction (practice and training, personal behavior, individual and team accomplishment). Decision making styles explained 61% of athlete's burnout changes and had a negative and direct effect on the burnout factor while these styles explained 55% of athletes' satisfaction changes and had direct and positive effects on athletes’ satisfaction.