Najaf Aghaei; Erfan Moradi
Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 31-40
The purpose of this research is to determine the causal relationship between culture and organizational silence with the mediating role of organizational identity in the staff of Alborz Province Youth and Sports Organization. Therefore, the methodology of this work is practical in purpose and correlative ...
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The purpose of this research is to determine the causal relationship between culture and organizational silence with the mediating role of organizational identity in the staff of Alborz Province Youth and Sports Organization. Therefore, the methodology of this work is practical in purpose and correlative in data gathering which is specifically based on structural equation modeling using Smart PLS3 software. The statistical community included all the staff of Head Office of Sport and Youth, Alborz province which was the sample equal to the population of 160 persons. The utilized tools of this research were the organizational silence questionnaires of Vakola and Bouradas (2005), Denison’s organizational culture (2000), and Chenni’s organizational identity (1983); the content and validity of which was accredited by 10 professors of sports management in the field of organizational behavior. To approve the structure validity, the two methods of convergent and divergent validities were employed which particularly included the Average Variance Extracted and Heterotrait- Monotrait Ratio; the validity of the questionnaires was evaluated with a suitable composite reliability method. The findings of this research proves that there is a significant and intense reverse negative relationship between culture and organizational silence; Furthermore, the mediating role of organizational identity was found significant according to which some practical suggestions are noted separately in each section for the intended managers in order to reduce the silence and increase the organizational identity of the staff in a tangible way.
Zahra Moradi; Kamal Houshyar; Maryam Sadri; Selda Hamed
Volume 1, Issue 2 , July 2014, , Pages 85-92
Character of the present study was to investigate the relationship between professional teams and fans of team identity; case study deals with Premiership football. The purpose of this research is applied and the data collection and field of view is descriptive, analytical and post- event. On research ...
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Character of the present study was to investigate the relationship between professional teams and fans of team identity; case study deals with Premiership football. The purpose of this research is applied and the data collection and field of view is descriptive, analytical and post- event. On research required information using a questionnaire designed by the researchers to measure identity and team standard questionnaire character sports team Tostoy (2012) measure and is providing its population of 500 people, the fans of the League of cholera calculated sample size by using Total number of questionnaires measuring data using the relationship test - Pearson correlation was conducted and the results we found in the team 's identity, independence, high Tractor Persepolis and the fans, there available and most of the team 's fans, 's character all of its top evaluated and identity pro team sports team has a significant relationship with the character.