Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Sports Management Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Sports Management Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Sports Management Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of the current research was to present a model of people's behavioral futures in the field of sports after the end of the Corona virus. This work was done by conducting a qualitative research of the grand theory type, which method is exploratory. In this research, it was analyzed through literature review and exploratory interview regarding the presentation of the model, based on the method arising from the data and according to the method of Strauss and Corbin. To conduct the field interview, the statistical community of the research is experts and professors in the fields of sports management, sociology, psychology, who have published at least one research (research article, speech, research plan, authoring and translation of a book) in the field of the research topic. Had reached In order to identify these people, a purposeful sampling method was used. This sampling continued until theoretical saturation was reached and finally 19 people were selected as a sample. Finally, the categories were determined in the form of 13 categories and 48 conceptual codes and were placed in the heart of the 6 dimensions of the paradigm model. Factors such as individual and managerial factors have an effect on the behavioral consequences of people in the field of sports after the end of the corona disease. For this purpose, strategies have been proposed, and these strategies are affected by background conditions (sports culture before Corona and consumption of sports during Corona) and also by intervening conditions (economic, rules and regulations, and behavior). Implementation of the suggested strategies leads to economic, health and lifestyle consequences.


Main Subjects

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