Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Ghasem Rahimi sereshbaderani, Assistant professor of sport management, Faculty of sport science, lsfahan .(khorasgan) branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Babel Branch, Babel, Iraq

4 Islamic Azad University



This research was conducted with the aim of designing a model for empowering managers of Iraqi sports organizations. The present research is exploratory research in terms of its purpose and a fundamental research in terms of its orientation, which has used the strategy of foundational data theory with the paradigmatic (systematic) approach of Strauss and Corbin. To collect research data, 15 in-depth and semi-structured interviews were used with sports management experts in universities and researchers in the field of career empowerment of sports organizations. Participants in the research were selected by purposeful and theoretical sampling. Analysis of the data from the interviews emerged during three stages of open, central and selective coding. The results showed the number of 26 core codes under 12 optional codes in the form of five dimensions of the paradigm model including causal conditions (communications, advertising, administrative system, training, delegation of authority, organizational strategy, economic and creating a sports business), background factors (empowerment of employees, empowerment of managers, strategic policies, strengthening infrastructure and media), intervening factors (creativity, identification of needs, socialization, communication and advertising), strategies (strengthening the organizational brand, financial support, value creation and cultural strengthening) and consequences (marketing, organizational fans, organizational management, Knowledge management, organizational intelligence, social improvement and infrastructure improvement) formed the model of empowering managers of Iraqi sports organizations. The use of this model in sports organizations can lead to the empowerment of their sports and psychological managers; Therefore, it is suggested; Management training against changes based on the fluctuations of the external environment, recognizing and applying the principles of human resource management and learning multiple management skills should be considered for managers before reaching the management position.


Main Subjects