Document Type : Research Paper


1 uni tabriz

2 Uni Tabriz

3 Assistant Professor and faculty member, University of Tabriz


The aim of the research was to design a model of indicators affecting the life expectancy of elderly athletes. The current research was applied in terms of purpose, in terms of survey method. The statistical population of the research in the quantitative part included elderly athletes who were selected based on Crookran's formula in the number of 385 people. The research tool included a researcher-made questionnaire, which was analyzed with Imus software. Based on the findings, health-oriented lifestyle, the place of sports for the elderly and social marketing in sports for the elderly each have an effect on the life expectancy of the elderly by 0.26, 0.37 and 0.33, respectively. Also, the results of investigating the mediating role of the social marketing variable in elderly sports showed that this variable has a partial mediating role and also has a simple model (a mediating variable) with a significant focus on the direct path of the health-oriented lifestyle of the elderly and the place of elderly sports on the life expectancy of the elderly. Have been, and its effect coefficient is 0.159 and 0.123. Therefore, it can be concluded that the life expectancy of the elderly is affected by the mentioned indicators, and if we are looking to increase the life expectancy among the strata, we must implement various strategic and operational policies in line with the implementation of a health-oriented lifestyle, the place of sports for the elderly and apply social marketing in elderly sports.


Main Subjects

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