Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of present study was to investigate of relationship between organizational culture with social capital of the Disabled Sport Federation staffs. Method of study was Cross-correlation and study Type was applied and Method of data collection was field. The population of the study was to Included Disabled Sports Federation staffs to the numbers of 150, and the sample size determined with attention to kocaran formula of 107. To gather information relation to organizational culture used from standard Questionnaires Of Denison organizational culture (2007), and for investigate of variable social capital used from standard Questionnaires of grutat and et and nahapip and gushal social capital(2003). The reliability of the 15 questionnaires collected from the community and through Cronbach's alpha for the scale of organizational culture 0/90 and the scale of social capital 0/88 Respectively. Data analysis was performed on both descriptive and inferential statistics. (tests of KS, Spearman correlation, Multiple linear regression and Factor Analysis) and used to statistical softwares of lizrel 8/7 and SPSS19. The findings indicated that there was positive and significant relationship between organizational culture and social capital. (p≤.50). It is suggested that senior managers of federation try to draw their own corporate culture based on Dennison's profile Hereby notified of your corporate culture, then the reform of action eventually created a good corporate culture Commitment and mutual trust and shared values as a result of social capital The staff were formed.


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