

The aim of this study was the study of status to engage in leisure sports patterns in recreational
time of family, and were analyzed consumption patterns based on income, number of members,
inside and outside of the city and participatory and non-participatory style. The research method
was descriptive – qualitative.The statistical population were families or citizens of Rasht, that
were engaged in family sports recreation inside and outside the city. The statistical sample
because of the research field and aim were selected available to the targeted includes 100
families. The research instrument was interview based on open designed questions and then the
received information adjusted in the check list. To analyze the data descriptive statistics were
used adjusted. The results showed that the average family leisure time sports is 37/33 hours per
month families with a medium of (4 or 5) and the of income level 3-5 million have the largest
sports recreation. Sports leisure families are more form non-participatory style (86/19). Patterns
of volleyball and mountaineering between other patterns were the largest family time. Recreation
within the city was higher than the suburban. Approximatly with the increasing number of family
members and income levels recreation within the city reducted and suburban recreation
increased and vice versa. It looks attractive sports recreation patterns group nature of their doing,
Income level and the number of family member, families of the same social class find eachother
facilities are the main factors determining time of the families is to engage in sports leisure


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