Document Type : Research Paper



Modeling Organizational social capital in ministry of sport and youth in Islamic Republic of Iran are ultimate goals of this study.The research method is descriptive and the population is staff of ministry of sport and youth. First a Question pool measuring Social capital was collected. 
To check the dimension of organizational social capital factor analysis was run which ultimately four factors of social capital was identified. These factors, respectively, were: organizational trust, organizational citizenship, trust and reciprocity, and informal institutional partnerships. 
In order to design the model of social capital in Sport Organization three models based on three perspectives which were community-oriented and institutional, and networks perspective were evaluated using structural equation modeling. Finally, due to the Lisrel (8.50) good fit parameter outcome institutional model parameters were better fit the than network model, and community-oriented in the Sport Organization. Finally, institutional models were accepted. 
Level of social capital was significantly lower than moderate level except Organizational citizenship behavior


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