Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was the Environmental Analysis of Sport for all in Iran. Methods of data collection include library research, Delphi method and finally a researcher made questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was determined by professors and specialists in the field. After all the corrective actions, the necessary changes were made. Using Cronbach's alpha, the reliability of the questionnaire was obtained as 0.88. The statistical population of the study consisted of staff- and operational managers of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and heads of federations, and faculty members who are specialists in sports and are informed about the research topic. In this study, the sample was determined as equivalent to the research population and by counting all. Out of 302 questionnaires sent to members of the research population, 238 questionnaires were filled (79 percent). For data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential tests including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, comparison of the mean of the population (one sample t-test) and Friedman's analysis of variance were applied. The results showed that sport for all in Iran was in competitive strategy (ST). The most advantageous point of sport for all in Iran is the existence of sport for all federation, while the main drawback is the lack of professional staff and experts. The most important opportunities of sport for all is the emphasis of physicians on the role sports play in health; whereas its most important threats lays in the change in people's lifestyle (inactive lifestyle).


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