Document Type : Research Paper


The aim of this research was to investigate the role of the third world rock climbing festival of Bisotun on tourism development in Kermanshah province. This study is descriptive analytical that has been done as field research. The statistical population was all officials of the third world rock climbing festival of Bisotun and sample considered the population(N=74). The instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire which its validity proved by university students and experts and its reliability calculated by chronbach alpha as 0.89. Inferential analysis (one sample T test) was used for analysis. The results showed that the third world rock climbing festival of Bisotun had significant impact on political, sociocultural an environmental dimensions of tourism development by the mean equal to 4.27, 4 and 3.47 respectively. But this impact wasn’t significant for economic impact by the mean of 3.06. Although the festival was effective on political, sociocultural and environmental dimensions of tourism development in Kermanshah province, but it hadn’t a remarkable economic profit for the host society.


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