Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA, sport management of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education& sport sciences, Razi University Kermanshah, IRAN.

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Physical Education& sport science, Razi University, Kermanshah, IRAN.


The purpose of this study was to performance assessment of Youth and sports Offices of based on the EFQM model in Kermanshah. In this analytic- descriptive research, the statistical sample was equal to population (n=110), that it included total employees of sports and youth offices. The validity of EFQM questionnaire was confirmed by sport specialists and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (α =0.91). For data analysis we used descriptive (mean…) and inferential (means comparison, K-S test, Spearman correlation coefficients test and fredman analysis) statistics. The results showed that, the mean of Organizational Excellence was (45/60) and the society results (58/62) &resources and commercial cooperations(33/70) criterion had highest and lowest scors. The highest crrolation was between customer and process & resources and employees results (r = 0/75) that was a good crrolation. The lowest crrolation was between resources and commercial cooperation & society results criterion(r = 0/38) that was a poor crrolation. Also sentences of 9 criteria were prioritized respectively. According to the 45/60 score in EFQM, we should pay attention to organizational excellence development in these offices. Also among these criterions according to the low mean of commercial cooperations citeria, we should focus on its development as well as try to keep on the highest criteria (society results).
