Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of Mazandaran

2 PNU University

3 Shahid Beheshti University

4 Shomal University


The purpose of this study was to analyze the behavioral factors of strategic and operational plans of public sports in Iran. Regarding the research goal, the present research is aimed at using a variety of applied-development research that is conducted in the field of strategic and analytical research. The statistical population of this research consisted of all members of the board of directors and chairmen of the federation of sport federation, academic elite and federation experts (N = 221), which, according to the limited number of the research community, were all sampled. Data collection method includes library studies, Delphi method and finally a researcher-made questionnaire.The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained through Cronbach's alpha coefficient more than α = 0.8. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the collected data. Mean, standard deviation of descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics, one-sample T-test, Friedman and confirmatory factor analysis were used for data analysis. All computations were also performed using AMOS 23 and SPSS 22 software. The fitting goodness index, which indicates that this is acceptable for fitting the model, is acceptable and represents the confirmation of the research model. Other fitting indicators for structural equations of the Tuker-Lewis Index; Benthaler-Bonnet fitting index; Adaptive fit index and fit index are normative; all of them indicate the fitting fit and validation of the confirmatory model of the organizational behavior factors of the public sports of the country.


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