Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Candidate of Sport Management، Islamic Azad University of Hamedan

2 Professor of sport management., Allameh Tabatabai number: 09128504825

3 Associate professor in Psychology, Payame Noor University

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran


Aim of this descriptive-correlation study was developing structural modeling organizational Innovation based on Social Capital among youth and sport ministry staffs of Islamic republic of Iran. The population of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth (N =890), that That according to Krejcie & Morgan table 396 were selected by random sampling method. Measurements tool in such study to gathering data were Organizational Innovation Jimenez and et al questionnaire (2008) and Social Capital Nahapiet and Ghoshal questionnaire (1998). Content validity of both questionnaires confirmed by 15 Sport Managment professors and reliability through Cronbach's alpha test In an early example of 30 number for Organizational Innovation and Social Capital respectively equal to α= 0/928 and α= 0/971 were reported. All data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling via Software SPSS23 and LISREL8.5. Results of the present study indicated that structural model of Organizational Innovation based on Social Capital confirmed that all of the questions have a significant effect on the developing structural model (p < 0/01). Goodness of fit and Social Capital could lead to a significant effect on Organizational Innovation among youth and sport ministry staff (p < 0/01, T= 11/19, β= 0/64). It seams Social capital has a significant effect on Organizational Innovation activities in staffs youth and sport ministry. This may lead to create new ideas and genius activities in such ministry.


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