Document Type : Research Paper


sport management department, sport science faculty, Hakim Sabzevari university, Sabzevar, Iran


 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of transformational leadership on human resource efficiency with respect to the mediator role of psychological empowerment in the Ministry of Sport and Youth. The statistical sample of this study consists of 308 senior executives and staff of the Ministry of Sport and Youth. This is an applied and descriptive survey study. For collecting data, the questionnaires such as   Hersey & Goldsmith’s (1980) human resource efficiency, Bass’s (2003) transformational leadership, and Spreitzer’s (1995) psychological empowerment were applied which the validity and reliability were confirmed. Structural equations model and Lisrel software were used to test the hypotheses. The results of this research indicate that the transformational leadership has a positive effect on psychological empowerment and workforce efficiency. Also, psychological empowerment has a positive effect on workforce efficiency and a partial mediator role in the relationship between transformational leadership and human resource productivity. Therefore, transformational leadership and psychological empowerment and their dimensions can be effective factors in improving the workforce efficiency.


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