Document Type : Research Paper


1 sport manegment azad unevershty borojerd

2 sport management,physical education faculty,Kharazmi university,Tehran,Iran

3 sport management ,boroujerd university


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of quality of perceived service on the citizenship behavior of clients of sports clubs in Isfahan with the mediator role of customer commitment. The method of this study was correlational descriptive survey and in terms of purpose it was applied. The statistical population included all customers of sports clubs in Isfahan.A sample of 390 people was estimated based on Morgan's table. The instruments used in this study were the Perceptual Quality Measurement Questionnaire (SERVQUAL) by Parasouramon et al. (1988) and Grout Customer Citizenship Behavior Inventory (2005) and Bateson et al (2006) Customer Satisfaction Inventory to evaluate the variables of the research. The formal and content validity of each questionnaire was approved by15sports management professors in the field of organizational behavior. To analyze the research findings, correlation coefficient, bootstrap method and structural equations and SPSS and PLS were utilized. The results of commitment role of the sports clubs in Isfahan were confirmed as a mediator role. 


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