Document Type : Research Paper


Graduated from Sports Management, Razi University


The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of social responsibility on organizational performance, with emphasis on the role of mediator of familiarity on employees of sports departments and youth in the West of Iran.This research is descriptive- correlation based on the purpose of applied research.The statistical population of the study is 600 employees of sport and youth departments of western Iran. A stratified sampling method was used for sampling and Cochran formula was used to determine the sample size and 220 samples were selected as sample.In this research, three standard social responsibility questionnaires, Patterson organizational performance and organization's reputation coefficient were used to collect information. Structural equation modeling using Lisrel software was used to analyze the data. The results showed that social responsibility has a positive and direct effect on the knowledge with the standard coefficient of 2.09. Also, the social responsibility of the celebrity has a positive and significant effect on the quality of the work with the coefficient of 0.58 and the reputation of the performance has a positive and significant effect on the effect of 0.20%. Finally, social responsibility has a positive effect on the performance with a mediator role with a coefficient of 0.17 Has an indirect and meaningful effect. Therefore, the agencies are advised to push employees with a variety of programs to take responsibility and provide a ground for creating a reputation in the organization and thus increase organizational performance.


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