Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty member

2 Physical Education, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 PhD student strategic management and sports events, School of Sport Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The goal of the this study is investigation of high-performance work systems effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment according to the mediating role of person-organization fit sport and youth organizations of western provinces. The current study is descriptive-scrolling in strategic studies domain and is practical in purpose. The statistical population of this research is consisted of all managers, deputies and experts (314 people) of sport and youth organizations in the west of Iran in 1397, which among them 175 people were selected using the Simple random sampling method & Morgan table. Data collection tools were: Chin Jootsay’s standard questionnaire for high-performance work systems (2006), Chatman’s person-organization fir questionnaire (2011), Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire, Mayer and Allen’s organizational commitment questionnaire (1997).). Data analysis was performed with Spss software and structural equations model. The results of structural equations showed that, high performance work systems have intense impacts on person-organization fit, personal and organizational fits have effective impacts on organizational attitudes, high performance work systems can have positive and significant effect on organizational attitudes and also the mediating effect of person-organization fit in relationships of HPWS parameters and job satisfaction and organization commitment was confirmed. According to the conclusive results of the current study it can be stated that applying the important factors of high performance work systems and considering the important fits of staffs and organizations in sport and youth organizations will drive them closer to the organizational goals and increase job commitment and satisfaction.


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