Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA of sport management, Islamic Azad University Science and Research branch

2 Islamic Azad university Science and Research branch

3 assistant professor of Islamic azad university


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cultural capital dimensions on job vacancies of employees of sport and youth departments of the country with regard to perceived organizational noise. 3 main constituents studied in this research: Perceived organizational gesture, job vacancies & cultural capital. The present study was the nature and in terms of method, correlation. The statistical population of this study includes the employees of ministry of sport and youth. according to the Cochran formula was equal to 256 people. For data collection, field observation and questionnaire were used. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the research variables was more than 0.7, so the reliability is confirmed. Research findings indicate that cultural capital has no significant effect on job vacancies Pearson's correlation coefficient is -0.607.It was also found that organizational loophole has an impact on job vacancies With correlation coefficient of 0.652, while it also plays the role of a mediating variable between cultural capital variables and job vacancies. Therefore, cultural capital has an indirect effect on job leave. The data fit to the model and all the indicators indicate the utility of the structural equation model. Hence, the selection of individuals By managers tailor-made to the job And prevent people from leaving the job by creating safe conditions for the individual by preventing the occurrence of anomie in the organization.


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