Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Tehran

2 tehran university


The purpose of this study was to The Effect of Authentic Leadership Style on the Psychological Well-being of the Employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth with the Intermediate role of Psychological Capital. This research is descriptive research was a correlation based on structural equations The statistical population of the study consisted of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, which was 860 people. According to the Krejsi and Morgan tables 260 people were selected as the statistical sample. Finally, using a simple random sampling method, 237 questionnaires were used for analysis. To measure the variables, the Luthans (2007) Psychological Capital, the Neider and Schriesheim (2011) Authentic Leadership and Ryff (1989) psychological well-being questionnaire were used. that validity and reliability were confirmed.for data analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations were used by Liserel software. The research findings showed that authentic leadership, both directly and indirectly through psychological capital affect the psychological well-being of employees. Therefore, it is suggested to sports managers that in order to improve their psychological well-being and psychological well-being, using their appropriate leadership style, they will develop the fields of psychological capital development and psychological well-being.


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