Document Type : Research Paper


1 sport science faculty/ urmia University

2 Urmia University


The aim of this study was to providing a communicational model of the radical innovation in private clubs of football premier league through sharing and diversity of knowledge capability with investigating the mediating role of organizational learning. The statistical population of this study included all the executive staff of the private clubs of the national football league in the 97-98 season. The number of samples in this research was determined using a purposeful sampling method and a full-scale sampling (population equal to the sample) and 242 individuals were sampled. To collect the data, radical innovation from Troilo et al. (2014), sharing and diversity of knowledge capability from Shadur and Snell (2002) and organizational learning from Maes & Sels (2013) questionnaires were used. The results showed that knowledge sharing and knowledge diversity capabilities in football clubs could directly promote radical innovation. In addition, learning also has a direct impact on radical innovation. Also, Organizational learning has a mediator effect on the relationship between knowledge sharing and knowledge diversity capabilities with radical innovation. As a result, football clubs should pay special attention to the diversity and sharing of knowledge to learn and then develop radical innovation at the club.


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