Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sport Management, School of Sport Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Faculty member

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Birjand


The purpose of this study was to present a model of the role of perception of organizational justice on organizational entrepreneurship with the mediation of knowledge management strategy among employees of the Khorasan Razavi Sports and Youth Administration. The method of research is descriptive-analytic that was done field experiment. The statistical population of this research was the employees of the General Administration of Sports and Youth of Khorasan Razavi (N = 110). According to the research purpose, the statistical sampling method was considered as the total number and in total 12% of the drop, 96 completed and completed questionnaires. In this research, three organizational justice questionnaires (Niehoff and Moorman, 1993), a researcher-made questionnaire on organizational entrepreneurship in sports organizations that was used in Razavi et al. (2010) and the Knowledge Management Strategies Questionnaire (Tavakoli Takhtmashloo, 1393) used. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the professors of sport management and reliability was 0.86, 0.87 and 0.86, respectively. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov Smirnov, Pearson correlation coefficient, T-test, step-by-step regression and Smart PCS version 2) were used. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational justice and organizational entrepreneurship and knowledge management strategy.


  1. Adam R & Creedy. A critical review of knowledge management models. 1999.
  2. Ahmadi Baladehi SM, Bakhshande O, Eftekhari A, Mousavi SM. Organizational Justice and its Relationship with Organizational Entrepreneurship in a Government Organization. Third National Conference on Accounting and Management. 2013. [Persian].
  3. Bandera C, Keshtkar F, BartolacciShiromani Michael R, Passerin N. Knowledge management and the entrepreneur: insights from ikujiro nonaka's dynamic knowledge creation model (SECI). International Journal of Innovation Studies.
  4. Chin W. The Partial Least Squares approach to structural equation modeling. In: G. A. Marcoulides (Ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research.Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1998. p: 295-358
  5. Christensen K. Classification of the corporate  entrepreneurship umbrella: labels and perspectives. Int. J. Management Enterprise Development. 2004. (1)4.301-315.
  6. Davari A, Rezazadeh A. Structural equation modeling with pls software. 2015. [Persian].
  7. Dostdar M,mombini Y,Godarzi M. Investigating the impact of transformational leadership on organizational change emphasizing the role of mediator of political intelligence, quarterly journal of management of governmental organizations; 19, summer 1. 2016. [Persian]
  8. Elahi sh, Khadivr A, Hasanzadeh A. Presenting a methodology for creating a knowledge management strategy study and review of three sample organizations, the institute of humanities and cultural studies. 2009 [Persian].
  9. Farahani, A, Ajam Gh, Azizian kohan N, Seraj S. The relationship between psychological factors of empowerment and organizational entrepreneurship of the employees of the physical education department of khorasan razavi province. Journal of sport management. 2011. 8.55. 41. [Persian].
  10. Ghosei F. Investigating the Effect of the Role of Organizational Justice on Sharing Knowledge in the Governorate of Tehran. Master's Thesis. Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Faculty of Management. 1393 [Persian].
  11. Hadizadeh Moghaddam A, Rahimi Filabadi F. Organizational entrepreneurship, tehran: janan, first printing. 2004. [Persian].
  12. Heponiemi T, Elovainio M, Kouvonen A, Kuusio H, Noro A, Finne-Soveri H. The effects of ownership, staffing level and organisational justice on nurse commitment, involvement, and satisfaction: a questionnaire study. international journal of nursing studies; 2011.48(12). p:155-161.
  13. Hojjati A, Dehghanian H, Sabour E. Investigating the relationship between organizational justice ratio and organizational commitment in an insurance company, insurance research / the year of the twenty-nine 2014.(2 (110.153-180. [Persian].
  14. Hulland J.  Use  of  partial  least  squares  (pls)  in  strategic  management research: a review of four recent studies.Strategic management   journal. 1999. 20(2). p:195-204.
  15. Javaheri kamel M, Bahari far A. Investigating the consequences of organizational ethical values (by studying organizational justice, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior). scientific journal of police development development. the 7th edition of april and may 2010. 95-118. [Persian].
  16. Li Xiaoshan, Zhang Jianxin, Zhang Shanshan, Zhou Mingjie(2015). A multilevel analysis of the role of interactional justice in promoting knowledge-sharing behavior: The mediated role of organizational commitment. Industrial Marketing Management.
  17. Magner, Welker & Campbell. Testing a Model of Cognitive Budgetary Participation Processes in a Latent Variable Structural Equations Framework. 1996.
  18. Mahnegar F, Picari Far F, Tosar Kani Z. A survey of the relationship between information technology, information, and organizational justice with entrepreneurship among the employees of the Juvenile Sugar cane industry in 1394. The 3rd International Conference on Challenges and Solutions Management. [Persian].
  19. Miripour Fard B, Mohebi P (1390). The Role of Knowledge Sharing in Organizational Entrepreneurship . The first Entrepreneurship Student Conference in the country. ENTSTU01_073 [Persian].
  20. Molavi M, Habibi L, Esmail Nejad R. Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Entrepreneurship (Case Study: Governmental Offices and Organizations in Mahabad). Journal of Management Studies and Entrepreneurship. 1395.Year 2 - Issue 4. P: 133- 141. [Persian].
  21. Moss, E, Rousseau D, Parent S, St- Laurent D, Saintonge J. Corrlates attchment,dt school age: maternal reported stress. new york: mcgraw hill. 1998.
  22. Nahardani H, Maghol A, Zendedel A, Nordehi H. Designing knowledge management model at the technical and professional university with the strategy of entrepreneur training, research in educational systems / special letter of spring. 2018. [Persian].
  23. Nazem F, Lajevardi A. A structural model of organizational justice based on knowledge management and emotional intelligence. Scientific Journal of Marine Science Education. 1396. No. 11. P: 78-91. [Persian].
  24. Petersen N, Poulfelt F. Knowledge management in action: a study of knowledge management in management consultancies, kaupmnnah of: copenhagen business school. 2002.
  25. Razavi J, Rahimi G, Sultanhoseini M. Estimate the relative contribution entrepreneurship of method  participatory management of eployes  viewpoint physical education  all office in yazd. 2011 [Persian].
  26. Sadaty Seyyed Abdulrahim.(1389)  The effect of knowledge management process on organizational entrepreneurship process in small and medium business enterprises of east mazandaran industrial towns [dissertation].4 [Persian].
  27. Salarian M, Kia Kojuri D (1394). A Review of the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Organizational Entrepreneurship (Case Study: General Office of Shipping and Marine Affairs of Mazandaran Province). Quarterly Portal, Marine and Shipping Portal. Autumn 1394. Volume 1, Issue 2. p. 65-73. [Persian].
  28. Shekarchizade A R, Jafari Tadi M (1394). An overview of the relationship between knowledge management and organizational entrepreneurship and how they relate. First National Conference on Strategic Service Management. CSSM01_114 [Persian].
  29. Tavakkoli Takhtmashloo A. The effect of knowledge Mmanagement strategies on product quality in knowledge-Based Firms. qazvin Institute of higher education. graduate school. 2015. [Persian].
  30. Tayyeba A, Muhammad S L, Haider J,  Hussain T. The effect of organizational justice on knowledgesharing: an empirical evidence from the chinesetelecommunication sector. journal of innovation & knowledge.
  31. Tenenhaus M. PLS Regression and PLS Path Modeling for Multiple Table Analysis. COMPSTAT 2004 Proceedings. Physica-Verlag, Springer, Wurzburg, Berlin.2004.
  32. Wetzels M, Odekkerken-Schroder G, Van-Oppen C. Using pls path modeling for assessing hierarchical construct models: guidelines and empirical illustration, mis quarterly. 2009. 33(1).177.
  33. Yesil S, Dereli S F. An empirical investigation of the organizational justice, knowledge sharing and in novation capability. procedia, social and behavioral sciences.


  1. Adam R & Creedy. A critical review of knowledge management models. 1999.
  2. Ahmadi Baladehi SM, Bakhshande O, Eftekhari A, Mousavi SM. Organizational Justice and its Relationship with Organizational Entrepreneurship in a Government Organization. Third National Conference on Accounting and Management. 2013. [Persian].
  3. Bandera C, Keshtkar F, BartolacciShiromani Michael R, Passerin N. Knowledge management and the entrepreneur: insights from ikujiro nonaka's dynamic knowledge creation model (SECI). International Journal of Innovation Studies.
  4. Chin W. The Partial Least Squares approach to structural equation modeling. In: G. A. Marcoulides (Ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research.Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1998. p: 295-358
  5. Christensen K. Classification of the corporate  entrepreneurship umbrella: labels and perspectives. Int. J. Management Enterprise Development. 2004. (1)4.301-315.
  6. Davari A, Rezazadeh A. Structural equation modeling with pls software. 2015. [Persian].
  7. Dostdar M,mombini Y,Godarzi M. Investigating the impact of transformational leadership on organizational change emphasizing the role of mediator of political intelligence, quarterly journal of management of governmental organizations; 19, summer 1. 2016. [Persian]
  8. Elahi sh, Khadivr A, Hasanzadeh A. Presenting a methodology for creating a knowledge management strategy study and review of three sample organizations, the institute of humanities and cultural studies. 2009 [Persian].
  9. Farahani, A, Ajam Gh, Azizian kohan N, Seraj S. The relationship between psychological factors of empowerment and organizational entrepreneurship of the employees of the physical education department of khorasan razavi province. Journal of sport management. 2011. 8.55. 41. [Persian].
  10. Ghosei F. Investigating the Effect of the Role of Organizational Justice on Sharing Knowledge in the Governorate of Tehran. Master's Thesis. Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Faculty of Management. 1393 [Persian].
  11. Hadizadeh Moghaddam A, Rahimi Filabadi F. Organizational entrepreneurship, tehran: janan, first printing. 2004. [Persian].
  12. Heponiemi T, Elovainio M, Kouvonen A, Kuusio H, Noro A, Finne-Soveri H. The effects of ownership, staffing level and organisational justice on nurse commitment, involvement, and satisfaction: a questionnaire study. international journal of nursing studies; 2011.48(12). p:155-161.
  13. Hojjati A, Dehghanian H, Sabour E. Investigating the relationship between organizational justice ratio and organizational commitment in an insurance company, insurance research / the year of the twenty-nine 2014.(2 (110.153-180. [Persian].
  14. Hulland J.  Use  of  partial  least  squares  (pls)  in  strategic  management research: a review of four recent studies.Strategic management   journal. 1999. 20(2). p:195-204.
  15. Javaheri kamel M, Bahari far A. Investigating the consequences of organizational ethical values (by studying organizational justice, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior). scientific journal of police development development. the 7th edition of april and may 2010. 95-118. [Persian].
  16. Li Xiaoshan, Zhang Jianxin, Zhang Shanshan, Zhou Mingjie(2015). A multilevel analysis of the role of interactional justice in promoting knowledge-sharing behavior: The mediated role of organizational commitment. Industrial Marketing Management.
  17. Magner, Welker & Campbell. Testing a Model of Cognitive Budgetary Participation Processes in a Latent Variable Structural Equations Framework. 1996.
  18. Mahnegar F, Picari Far F, Tosar Kani Z. A survey of the relationship between information technology, information, and organizational justice with entrepreneurship among the employees of the Juvenile Sugar cane industry in 1394. The 3rd International Conference on Challenges and Solutions Management. [Persian].
  19. Miripour Fard B, Mohebi P (1390). The Role of Knowledge Sharing in Organizational Entrepreneurship . The first Entrepreneurship Student Conference in the country. ENTSTU01_073 [Persian].
  20. Molavi M, Habibi L, Esmail Nejad R. Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Entrepreneurship (Case Study: Governmental Offices and Organizations in Mahabad). Journal of Management Studies and Entrepreneurship. 1395.Year 2 - Issue 4. P: 133- 141. [Persian].
  21. Moss, E, Rousseau D, Parent S, St- Laurent D, Saintonge J. Corrlates attchment,dt school age: maternal reported stress. new york: mcgraw hill. 1998.
  22. Nahardani H, Maghol A, Zendedel A, Nordehi H. Designing knowledge management model at the technical and professional university with the strategy of entrepreneur training, research in educational systems / special letter of spring. 2018. [Persian].
  23. Nazem F, Lajevardi A. A structural model of organizational justice based on knowledge management and emotional intelligence. Scientific Journal of Marine Science Education. 1396. No. 11. P: 78-91. [Persian].
  24. Petersen N, Poulfelt F. Knowledge management in action: a study of knowledge management in management consultancies, kaupmnnah of: copenhagen business school. 2002.
  25. Razavi J, Rahimi G, Sultanhoseini M. Estimate the relative contribution entrepreneurship of method  participatory management of eployes  viewpoint physical education  all office in yazd. 2011 [Persian].
  26. Sadaty Seyyed Abdulrahim.(1389)  The effect of knowledge management process on organizational entrepreneurship process in small and medium business enterprises of east mazandaran industrial towns [dissertation].4 [Persian].
  27. Salarian M, Kia Kojuri D (1394). A Review of the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Organizational Entrepreneurship (Case Study: General Office of Shipping and Marine Affairs of Mazandaran Province). Quarterly Portal, Marine and Shipping Portal. Autumn 1394. Volume 1, Issue 2. p. 65-73. [Persian].
  28. Shekarchizade A R, Jafari Tadi M (1394). An overview of the relationship between knowledge management and organizational entrepreneurship and how they relate. First National Conference on Strategic Service Management. CSSM01_114 [Persian].
  29. Tavakkoli Takhtmashloo A. The effect of knowledge Mmanagement strategies on product quality in knowledge-Based Firms. qazvin Institute of higher education. graduate school. 2015. [Persian].
  30. Tayyeba A, Muhammad S L, Haider J,  Hussain T. The effect of organizational justice on knowledgesharing: an empirical evidence from the chinesetelecommunication sector. journal of innovation & knowledge.
  31. Tenenhaus M. PLS Regression and PLS Path Modeling for Multiple Table Analysis. COMPSTAT 2004 Proceedings. Physica-Verlag, Springer, Wurzburg, Berlin.2004.
  32. Wetzels M, Odekkerken-Schroder G, Van-Oppen C. Using pls path modeling for assessing hierarchical construct models: guidelines and empirical illustration, mis quarterly. 2009. 33(1).177.
  33. Yesil S, Dereli S F. An empirical investigation of the organizational justice, knowledge sharing and in novation capability. procedia, social and behavioral sciences.