Document Type : Research Paper


1 Urmia university

2 Urmia University


The purpose of this study was to the role of humble leadership style on the voice behavior of the employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth with the intermediate role of psychological empowerment and psychological safety. This research is descriptive research was a correlation based on structural equations the statistical population of the study consisted of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, which was 890 people. The statistical sample of this study consists of 355 staff of the Ministry of Sport and Youth. To measure the variables, the Owens’s et al (2013) humble leadership, Liang’s et al (2012) voice behavior, Carmeli’s et al (2010) psychological safety and Spreitzer’s (1995) psychological empowerment questionnaires were used. That validity and reliability were confirmed. For data analysis, structural equations model were used by SMART PLS software. The research findings showed that humble leadership, both directly and indirectly through psychological empowerment and psychological safety affect the voice behavior of employees. Therefore, it is suggested to Ministry of Sport and Youth managers that in order to improve their employees voice behavior, using their appropriate leadership style, they will develop the fields of psychological empowerment and psychological safety.


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