Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Sport Management; Tarbiat Modares University

2 M.A Student in sport management, Kharazmi University


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of club social responsibility on the behavioral intentions of Esteghlal fan's considering the mediating role of team identification. The methodology of this study is descriptive-survey, and by purpose, it is a type of applied research. The sampling method was non-probability, voluntary, and accessible, consisting of Esteghlal fans. The sample size was estimated using SPSS Sample power software based on research goals and assumptions; finally, 303 were taken into account to respond to the standard questionnaire designed -social responsibility in sport (Jung, 2012), team identification (Kim et al., 2019) and behavioral intentions (Kuenzel, and Yassim, 2007)- to examine the hypotheses of the research. It is worth mentioning that the validity and reliability of the tools confirmed in the form of the face and content validity from the perspective of sports management experts as well as statistical tests such as the Heterotrait-Monotrait ratio, Average Variance Extracted, Cronbach's Alpha, and Combined Reliability. Statistical analyzes performed using SPSS 22 and Smart PLS 3 software. The findings indicated a positive and significant effect of social responsibility and team identification of Esteghlal on their behavioral intentions. The club's social responsibility also influenced the team's identification. On the other hand, the role of team identification as a partial mediator significantly confirmed.


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