Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Payame Noor University

2 Master of Sports Management, Payame Noor University of Garmsar


The purpose of this study was to present a model for developing the social responsibility of elite female athletes on Instagram which was done by descriptive-survey method in the statistical population including all elite female athletes in Iran who are active on Instagram which The sample size was determined using Morgan table 201 people.The research instrument was the standard questionnaire of social responsibility in sports Niazi-Tabar et al (2020) which to confirm the face and content validity of the questionnaire from 9 professors of sports management and to confirm the reliability by conducting a preliminary study on 30 people in the community and calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.82). In order to analyze the collected data, K-S tests, exploratory factor analysis, Friedman ranking test and structural equation analysis with SPSS software version 23 and Smart PLS were used. Findings showed that 11 factors include encouraging social participation, respecting community rules, respecting community culture, respecting community traditions, role modeling, appropriate treatment of fans, coverage, awareness and knowledge, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and commitment to sports. Club and attention to communication and media factors that are effective in developing the social responsibility of elite female athletes on Instagram.


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