Sport Management
Leila Soltanian; kivan shabani moghadam; Abolfazl Farahani; mirhasan seyed Ameri
This research was conducted with the aim Explaining the place of environment in the transformational leadership of sports organizations.The statistical population in the qualitative section is environmental elites (university professors, managers, and environmental experts of the country) and scientific ...
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This research was conducted with the aim Explaining the place of environment in the transformational leadership of sports organizations.The statistical population in the qualitative section is environmental elites (university professors, managers, and environmental experts of the country) and scientific and executive sports elites of the country (university professors, managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and Sports and Youth Departments). Also, the statistical population in the quantitative section was made up of managers and employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. A statistical sample was conducted in the qualitative section of 15 interviews, And in the quantitative section,398 people were selected as samples. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview in the qualitative section and a researcher-made questionnaire in the quantitative section. The face and content validity verified by 15 people was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha method. The reliability of the interviews was obtained from the method of agreement between two coders based on Cohen's kappa coefficient of 0.73. The statistical method of the study was performed using second-order confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling and using PLS software. The results of the qualitative part indicated that the environmental transformational leadership model in sports has 16 dimensions and 6 perspectives including environmental incentives, sense of belonging, environmental culture, psychological empowerment, transformational leadership, environmental performance. The results of the quantitative part showed that all dimensions of the research model were approved.
Sport Management
Majid Solimani; Abolfazl Farahani; Leila Ghorbani Ghahfarokhi; Hamid Ghasemi
the purpose of this research was to develop a model of factors affecting customers' behavior in buying sportswear from online stores. The qualitative research method was chosen with the grounded theory approach. The statistical population of the research included two parts of human resources (managers ...
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the purpose of this research was to develop a model of factors affecting customers' behavior in buying sportswear from online stores. The qualitative research method was chosen with the grounded theory approach. The statistical population of the research included two parts of human resources (managers of online stores, online marketers, and expert professors in the field of digital marketing) and information sources (scientific, library, and relevant and reliable media). Sufficient number of interviewees and information sources were selected purposefully and based on reaching theoretical saturation (18 people and 25 documents). The research tool included semi-structured exploratory interviews along with a systematic library study. The validity of the tool was evaluated and confirmed based on the practical and scientific merit of the sample, the opinion of experts and the agreement between the correctors. In order to analyze the findings, a multi-stage conceptual coding method (open, central and selective) was used with the foundation's data theory approach. The final conceptual framework included 59 components, 11 dimensions and 5 themes identified. Its themes and dimensions include addiction to online shopping (dimensions of addictive shopping behavior and pleasurable shopping), quality (dimensions of website quality, product quality and service quality), ease and cost-effectiveness of shopping (dimensions of ease and time saving and ease purchase), advertising (dimensions of product advertising and word-of-mouth advertising) and trust (dimensions of site credibility and sense of security). Based on the findings of the research, it can be said that the tendency of customers to buy sportswear from online stores can be influenced by individual factors, and paying attention to this issue can make sports stores more distinctive in attracting customers and consumers in the virtual space compared to other competitors
Sport Management
Negar Matinnia; Abolfazl Farahani; Mohsen Bagherian
The aim of this study was structural interpretive modeling of the sustainable development of sports destinations with an emphasis on tourists' behavior. The method of this research is mixed. The participants of this research were experts. The criteria for selecting experts in the qualitative section ...
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The aim of this study was structural interpretive modeling of the sustainable development of sports destinations with an emphasis on tourists' behavior. The method of this research is mixed. The participants of this research were experts. The criteria for selecting experts in the qualitative section was theoretical saturation, and 17 people were selected using the purposeful sampling method and snowball strategy, then the people identified in the qualitative section were used for structural-interpretive analysis in the quantitative section. The data collection tool in the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview, and in the quantitative part, it was a 9x9 square matrix. For the validity and reliability of the results, the strategies of believability, transferability, verifiability, process audit study and intra-subject agreement of two coders were used. Qualitative data analysis was done with two stages of initial coding and focused coding, and quantitative data analysis was done with interpretive structural modeling and Mick Mac analysis. The findings showed 9 behaviors compatible with the sustainable development of sports destinations, based on the interpretive structural analysis, the relationship between the behaviors was categorized into 5 levels, and based on that, a hierarchical relationship model was created that shows the sustainable development of sports destinations through the reduction of resource consumption. And prevention of distortions of local culture can be predicted.
Sport Management
Abolfazl Farahani; Seyyede Neda Mirhajiyan; Ali Mohammad Safania
The purpose of this study was to validate the factors affecting the social capital status of sports in Iran (a case study of sports elites). The research method is mixed or in combination, according to the purpose of the research. The statistical population of the study included managers and officials ...
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The purpose of this study was to validate the factors affecting the social capital status of sports in Iran (a case study of sports elites). The research method is mixed or in combination, according to the purpose of the research. The statistical population of the study included managers and officials of sports clubs and athletes and students of physical education. SPSS Sample Power software was used to determine the sample size in a small step. Using this method, the sample size was estimated to be 370 people, of which 370 questionnaires were distributed and collected among the statistical population. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. The questions of this section were obtained based on the model obtained from the qualitative stage of the research. The scoring type of this questionnaire was based on the 5 Likert scale. The validity of the designed questionnaire was approved by 10 professors in the field of sports management. The questionnaire also consisted of 5 main components: causal factors, contextual factors, intervening factors, strategies and consequences. Also, to validate the desired model of the model, structural equation modeling of the confirmatory factor analysis approach is used. AMOS software was used for this purpose. The results showed confirmation of items and factors in the first and second order confirmatory factor analysis tests, meaning that the factor loads of items and factors were higher than 0.4.
Organizational Behavior Management
Somayeh Habibpour; Abolfazl Farahani; ali mohammas safaniya
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between information technology mastery and organizational productivity in female employees of sports complexes of Tehran Municipality with the mediating role of organizational empowerment and agility. Which is done by descriptive-correlation ...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between information technology mastery and organizational productivity in female employees of sports complexes of Tehran Municipality with the mediating role of organizational empowerment and agility. Which is done by descriptive-correlation method. The statistica l population includes 1350 managers and female employees of sports complexes of Tehran Municipality Organization. The statistical sample was calculated using Cochran's formula of 300 people. The sampling method is simple random and the data collection tool is a standard questionnaire Total reliability of questionnaires using Cronbach's alpha test / 75. Findings indicate that the correlation between the two variables of technology mastery and empowerment with a coefficient of / 463. In the first place and mastery of technology and organizational productivity / 420. In second place and empowerment and productivity / 408. In the third place, mastery of technology directly and indirectly affects organizational productivity. In the direct way, mastery of technology with the components of proper distribution of information, reduction of financial costs and indirectly through the effect on organizational agility and Empowerment affects productivity.
Mansourh Arzeshmand; Masoud Naderian jahromi; Mohammad Ali safania; Abolfazl Farahani
Increasing diversity of employees in sports organizations, in terms of social, cultural and skill has led to a focus on intercultural aspects and management of employee diversity, so the purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of diversity management on employee productivity with mediating of ...
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Increasing diversity of employees in sports organizations, in terms of social, cultural and skill has led to a focus on intercultural aspects and management of employee diversity, so the purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of diversity management on employee productivity with mediating of organizational justice. The present study was applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-survey based on data collection. The statistical population included managers, deputies, staff and instructors of physical education departments of Payame Noor University (264 people) and the Using Cochran's formula, 157 people were selected by simple random sampling The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed using appropriate indicators. Structural equation modeling in PLS was also used to analyze the data. The results showed that diversity management and organizational justice have a positive and significant effect on employee productivity and explain 40% of the variance in productivity. Also, the direct, indirect (through organizational justice), total effect and variance inclusion (0. 587), diversity management on employee productivity were positive and significant, so the mediating role of organizational justice was confirmed. This means that 0. 587 of the impact of diversity management on productivity is transferred through organizational justice
Abolfazl Farahani; Mehri Safarnezhad; Zahra Farahani
Innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and applying them in private sports clubs are unavoidable issues among people. In such a condition, paying attention to entrepreneurship inhibiting factors including human resources (HR) inhibitions as well as behavioral inhibitions of private sports clubs are ...
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Innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and applying them in private sports clubs are unavoidable issues among people. In such a condition, paying attention to entrepreneurship inhibiting factors including human resources (HR) inhibitions as well as behavioral inhibitions of private sports clubs are absolutely significant. So that by eliminating or reducing HR & behavioral inhibitions, the performance of sports clubs could be improved. In today’s world, those clubs which are involved in job creation and entrepreneurship are more successful. The present research is based on the experience of well-known managers of private sector in Iran’s sports scopes, field studies, and interview. What can be concluded from the present research about HR & behavioral inhibitions is as follows:attitudes and behavioral components of the Iranian society in dependence on the government body and high demands from government, distrust of human resources to private sector, jobbery of private sector, Government failure in transferring affairs to private sector, general belief of Iranian society to do things individually, rejection of sport community to the entry of capable people who are experienced in management and financial affairs but do not have sport background, ups and downs of security issues and investment security and its effect on the tendency to do things in the short term and quick impact projects, desire of managers to short-term profits, legislation and legal barriers to lead private sectors to quick financial incomes, high and formal control of managers, culture of task management, concerns about regulatory and monitoring organs, obligations to apply job standards