Organizational Behavior Management
Mostafa Savari; Loghman Keshavarz
The purpose of this current research was to compile a model of the relationship between physical literacy and motivation and job enthusiasm of physical education teachers in Iran. The method of the present research is descriptive-correlation of the type of structural equations.The statistical population ...
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The purpose of this current research was to compile a model of the relationship between physical literacy and motivation and job enthusiasm of physical education teachers in Iran. The method of the present research is descriptive-correlation of the type of structural equations.The statistical population of the research includes physical education teachers all over Iran in the academic year of 1400-1401 (N=28000).379 tons were considered for random sampling in a cluster-phased manner and based on Morgan's table. In order to achieve the goals of the research, three questionnaires of physical literacy developed by the researcher, Hockman and Oldham's occupational motivation questionnaire (1976) and Utrecht's occupational enthusiasm questionnaire (Shofli and et al, 2002) were used. The face and content validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by 20 sports management experts. The reliability of the questionnaires in a preliminary study on 30 subjects was obtained as 0.89, 95.5 and 96.5 Cronbach's alpha respectively. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods, structural equation modeling using SPSS and Smart PLS software were used for data analysis. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the model fits well.
Ayat Manochehri; Taher Bahlekeh; Nasser Bai; Zinalabedin Fallah
Study the effect of feedback-seeking behavior on job creativity with the mediating role of job thriving in employees of sports and youth departments in Golestan province was main purpose of this research. This research is applied and is in the category of correlational research. All employees of sports ...
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Study the effect of feedback-seeking behavior on job creativity with the mediating role of job thriving in employees of sports and youth departments in Golestan province was main purpose of this research. This research is applied and is in the category of correlational research. All employees of sports and youth departments of Golestan province (228 people) were the statistical population of this research, and the whole population was selected as a sample. The research tools included standard questionnaires of Feedback-Seeking Behavior (Moss et al., 2003), Job Thriving (Purath et al., 2012) and Job creativity (Zhou and George, 2001). Face and content validity were used to check the validity of the questionnaires. The reliability of the questionnaires was checked by Cronbach's alpha and the values of 0.79, 0.82 and 0.81 were calculated for the variables of feedback-seeking behavior, job thriving and job creativity, respectively.The collected data were analyzed using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (structural equation modeling) statistics. The results showed a positive and significant effect of feedback seeking behavior on employees' job thriving (β=0.793, t=22.582). The results also showed that feedback seeking behavior has a positive and significant effect on employees' job creativity (β=0.321, t=4.196). Findings showed a positive and significant effect of job thriving on job creativity of employees of sports and youth departments (β=0.476, t=6.207). Finally, the results showed that the effect of feedback seeking behavior on job creativity of employees of sports and youth departments with a mediating role of job thriving is positive and significant (β=0.403, t=5.963). Based on the results, it can be concluded that employees' feedback seeking behavior can have positive consequences such as job thriving and job creativity for them.
Majid KHorsandifard; Hasan Fahim Davin; Mohammad Reza Anjom Shoa
Volume 3, Issue 1 , May 2016, , Pages 31-38
The aim of this paper is investigating the effect of NLP on job motivation and job performance. The physical education teachers of Mashhad , constitute statistical society of the research who were 1300 and 100 of them were chosen by cluster sampling. At first, the subjects were evaluated through the ...
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The aim of this paper is investigating the effect of NLP on job motivation and job performance. The physical education teachers of Mashhad , constitute statistical society of the research who were 1300 and 100 of them were chosen by cluster sampling. At first, the subjects were evaluated through the job motivation questioner of Basher and et al and Kenvy's job performance then were trained under nervous – verbal planning for 20 sessions. After that job motivation and job performance tests were taken from the subjects and the results were compared. Also job motivation's role was reviewed as a mediator variable with the job performance. The data was analyzed by K_S, T test, covariance analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results showed that teaching NLP is proved on job motivation and job performance significantly. Also, the job motivation and job performance have positive correlation. According to the results and due to the significant effect of teaching nervous – verbal planning on job motivation and job performance , the field of teacher's performance improvement must be provided and create useful effect in development of sports and physical education.