Shuan Azizi; Gholamreza Shabanibahar; samira aliabadi; Mozafar Yektayar
The aim of this study was to design a model for the effectiveness of strategic thinking in the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The present research is based on data search, of mixed or qualitative type (qualitative and quantitative) and is in the field of correlation studies in terms of subject matter ...
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The aim of this study was to design a model for the effectiveness of strategic thinking in the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The present research is based on data search, of mixed or qualitative type (qualitative and quantitative) and is in the field of correlation studies in terms of subject matter and in the field of applied research in terms of purpose; Also in terms of nature, method and control of variables is a descriptive research. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part included all experts in the field of sports and in the quantitative part included all managers and employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Qualitative sampling was performed in a targeted manner and snowball technique and interviews were continued until theoretical saturation was achieved (16 people). In the quantitative part, the sample size was calculated based on Morgan table at least 233 people who were selected by stratified random sampling. In the qualitative phase of the research, semi-structured interviews with experts were used to collect data, and in the quantitative phase, a researcher-made questionnaire based on qualitative phase data and interview analysis was performed using the three-stage Delphi fuzzy analysis method. used. Its reliability was confirmed by performing an experiment on 30 members of the research community and calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. To analyze the data at the level of descriptive statistics from the table of frequency and frequency and at the level of inferential statistics in the qualitative part of the grounded theory technique and fuzzy Delphi method and in the quantitative part of exploratory factor analysis tests, Friedman ranking test and structural equation modeling Statistical software SPSS version 23 and Smart PLS 3 were performed. The results showed that there are a total of 65 components as indicators of strategic thinking in the Ministry of Sports and Youth, which can be reduced to 12 factors. Also, the findings showed that there is a significant difference between the factors affecting strategic thinking in the Ministry of Sports and Youth from the perspective of research samples. Finally, the model of factors affecting strategic thinking in the Ministry of Sports and Youth was designed based on the above 12 factors and its fit was confirmed by Q2, SRMR, NFI and Chi Squre indices.
ali jafari; mohammad alimardani
Volume 3, Issue 3 , September 2016, , Pages 37-44
The aim of this study was Regression analysis of job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the effectiveness of physical education teachers of Tehran’s Counties. The study population consisted of 1850 teachers of physical education in schools of Tehran’s Counties over the 93-94 academic ...
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The aim of this study was Regression analysis of job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the effectiveness of physical education teachers of Tehran’s Counties. The study population consisted of 1850 teachers of physical education in schools of Tehran’s Counties over the 93-94 academic year. According to Morgan 319 people randomly selected for the sample. for Data collection, standard questionnaire of Herzberg's job- satisfaction, containing 72 questions, standard questionnaire of Allen and Meyer’s organizational commitment containing 24 questions and standard questionnaire of Goldberg’s effectiveness containing 20 questions were used. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by 15 experts. The reliability of a preliminary study on 30 subjects by using Cronbach's alpha were calculated (0/79, 0/81, 0/83). In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, linear regression, multiple regression and path analysis were used by using SPSS software 19.The results showed that job satisfaction have direct relationship with 0/53 route ratio with organizational commitment and also direct relationship with effectiveness with 0/40 route ratio. Also organizational commitment with 0/34 route ratio has direct relationship with effectiveness. Also teachers Job-satisfaction indirectly with 0/63 route ratio and through organizational commitment with effectiveness of physical education teachers of Tehran’s Counties has meaningful realationship. Organizational commitment and job satisfaction are key factors in the success of any organization. The main aim of High levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment efforts to achieve organizational goals that are linked to organizational effectiveness.
Reza Saboonchi; Ffatemeh Ppazhouhan
Volume 3, Issue 1 , May 2016, , Pages 77-83
The purpose of the present research is to design a model of structural theorem of interpersonal trust and political behavior on the effectiveness of personnel in workplaces of sport and youth in Hamedan and Kermanshah provinces. The research methodology is survey research and correlative survey. The ...
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The purpose of the present research is to design a model of structural theorem of interpersonal trust and political behavior on the effectiveness of personnel in workplaces of sport and youth in Hamedan and Kermanshah provinces. The research methodology is survey research and correlative survey. The statistic group is all employees of sport and youth offices consisting of 168 individuals. The selected research sample is a whole measurement that finally 152 questionnaires are received. For gathering data three questionnaires of interpersonal trust of Cook and Wall (1980), DuBrin’s questionnaire of Political Behavior (1987), and Moghimi’s questionnaire of Effectiveness are used. The validity of questionnaires are affirmed by ten professors of sport management. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach’s Alpha method which for questionnaires of interpersonal trust, Political Behavior, and Effectiveness are (0.80, 0.79, and 0.83) respectively. For analyzing the data, Pierson’s coefficient correlation and model of Structural Theorem were used. The range of parameters of GFI=0.93, AGFI=0.91, NFI=0.95, CFI=0.97, RMSEA=0.033 represented that the structural model was proper. The findings showed that the component of political behavior with Beta coefficient (0.47) is a stronger forecaster than interpersonal trust with Beta coefficient (0.39) for effectiveness. It means that interpersonal trust and political behavior lead to more effectiveness between personnel in workplace.
Ebrahim Alidoust Gahfarokhi
Volume 2, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 65-73
The purpose of this study was to Analysis the relation between perceptions of the Professors power of resources with effectiveness of physical education students in Tehran public universities. This study's statistical way was descriptive and correlational. Roughly 2,000 people were estimated target ...
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The purpose of this study was to Analysis the relation between perceptions of the Professors power of resources with effectiveness of physical education students in Tehran public universities. This study's statistical way was descriptive and correlational. Roughly 2,000 people were estimated target population that Morgan using the number 311 as the volume of sample was determined. Questionnaires of this study were: power resources Van et al. (2000) and improved inventory management effectiveness questionnaire by Jeffrey et al. (2002). For statistical analysis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, Pearson, Durbin -Watson and Multiple Regression were used. Results shows there is a positive relationship Students' perception of Teachers power sources and students efficiency (p
Gholamreza Shabanibahar; Mohsen Loghmani; Amin Ghavimi
Volume 1, Issue 4 , January 2015, , Pages 91-102
Regarding to scholars neglects for studying another different models, this research was designed with aim of investigating the role of organizational culture dimensions on effectiveness in sports and youth offices of Hamadan. Numbers of 111 employees from eight sport and youth offices of Hamadan province ...
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Regarding to scholars neglects for studying another different models, this research was designed with aim of investigating the role of organizational culture dimensions on effectiveness in sports and youth offices of Hamadan. Numbers of 111 employees from eight sport and youth offices of Hamadan province selected by Morgan and Kerejci Table and responded to organizational effectiveness in sport and organizational culture questionnaires. Validity of questionnaires was confirmed by 12 sport management experts and their reliability calculated .97 and .90, respectively. In addition of exist of strong correlation between all components of organizational culture with the organizational effectiveness stepwise linear regression analysis results indicated that components of organizational continuity (β= .16, t= 2.13), strategic emphasis (β= .29, t= 4.29), success criteria (β= .42, t= 5.85) and distinctive characteristics (β= .14, t= 2.23) were the best predictors of organizational effectiveness. According to these findings, it seems that various departments of sports require organic models and we recommend to administrators, in addition to maintaining the balance of four models of organizational effectiveness in the sport organizations, making of organizational culture in generally and competitive values and emphasizing on the long-term goals in especially for designing structure of their organization.
Sajjad Gholami torkslooye; Bahram Yousefi; Saeed Sadeghi boruojerdi; Fattah Mahdavi
Volume 1, Issue 4 , January 2015, , Pages 103-112
The purpose of this study was to predict organizational effectiveness based on emotional intelligence of high school physical education teachers in illam province .The population was all of high school physical education teachers in Ilam province comprises 152, the sample was all of population because ...
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The purpose of this study was to predict organizational effectiveness based on emotional intelligence of high school physical education teachers in illam province .The population was all of high school physical education teachers in Ilam province comprises 152, the sample was all of population because they are small in size. Research instrument was Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence and Ratter’s organizational effectiveness questionnaire that their reliability were 0.79 and 0.71 respectively. Collected data analyzed using one-sample t test, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis with SPSS software. Based on the findings, the relationship management (P≥0.001), consciousness (P≥0.016) and auto management (P≥0.001) has a significant relationship with organizational effectiveness of physical education teachers. Also self-management and relationship management, emotional intelligence ,can predict ability of physical education teachers’ organizational effectiveness. It can be stated that organizational effectiveness of physical education teachers improves by strengthening their emotional intelligence and self-management, particularly in self-management and relationship management.