Meysam Noori Khanyourdi; Mahdi Bashiri; Rasoul Faraji; Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh; Daryush Marefat
The aim of this study aims to influence organizational identity, organizational commitment and turnover intention of ethical climate. This research was applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation method, in terms of field-library ...
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The aim of this study aims to influence organizational identity, organizational commitment and turnover intention of ethical climate. This research was applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation method, in terms of field-library data collection, in terms of how the research was conducted. The statistical population of the study was the staff of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth of East Azerbaijan Province. The statistical sample-based on Morgan table was 178 people who were selected by simple random sampling. The measurement Instrument in this study was the Allen & Meyer's organizational commitment questionnaire (1990), the A tendency to leave the organization Flint (2013), Victor and Cullen ethical climate (2013), and the organizational identity of Ashforth and Mael (1992). Its face and content validity were confirmed by 10 sports management specialists; The reliability of the organizational identity questionnaires, ethical climate, turnover intention and organizational commitment were obtained using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.89, 0.87 0.92 and 0,88 respectively. For data analysis in the descriptive statistics section of the average and standard deviation by SPSS software 24, and in the inferential statistics section, structural equations were used to evaluate the causal relationships between variables using Lisrel Version 3 software. Findings showed that ethical climate has an effect on organizational commitment and organizational identity and there is a positive and significant relationship but its effect on the turnover intention of the service was not confirmed. Therefore, managers of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth should identify the factors affecting the moral climate in order to increase organizational identity and organizational commitment and reduce the turnover intention of the service.
Hassan Lotfi; Mirhassan Seyed Ameri
The present study was aimed to check the communication model of identity and organizational silencewith staff self-concept in the offices of Youth and Sports, in the northwest of Iran. It is descriptive and correlational. The sample of study consisted of all agency employees of the Youth ...
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The present study was aimed to check the communication model of identity and organizational silencewith staff self-concept in the offices of Youth and Sports, in the northwest of Iran. It is descriptive and correlational. The sample of study consisted of all agency employees of the Youth and Sports office in the northwest of Iran,i.e the provices of West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Zanjan and Kurdistan,in1395. The sample size determind via Cochrane formula was169.The data were collected through library studies,as well as the standard questionnaires of-organizational identity of Cheney (1983),organizational silence of Wakvallae and borradoues (2005) and self- concept of Raj Kumar Sarasota(1981).The researchers employed SPSS software, and AMOSE to give inferencial and descriptive statistics.The results indicated that organizational identity,the silence of the organization and self-concept in the offices of Youth and Sports in northwest of the country are significantly in a good condition. The result also showed that organizational identity had a positive effect on the self-concept and silence of organizational departments of Youth and Sports offices in the northwest of Iran.Therefore self- concept positively influenced the organizational silence in Youth and Sports offices in the northwest of Iran. In sum, the results showed that organizational identity and trying to boost and developed it is of very paramount importance to managers.
Hamid Shafizadeh; Saeed Gilvari
Volume 5, Issue 2 , May 2018, , Pages 21-30
This study was formed to investigate the relationship between participation in decision-making and organizational citizenship behavior with the organizational identity in sports coaches of Garmsar city. The study design was descriptive and correlational. Statistical society consisted of sports coaches ...
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This study was formed to investigate the relationship between participation in decision-making and organizational citizenship behavior with the organizational identity in sports coaches of Garmsar city. The study design was descriptive and correlational. Statistical society consisted of sports coaches and sports experts of Garmsar city, Among them 300 were selected by random sampling and were tested. Research tools included Cheney corporate identity (1983), Mykayyly chnk and Lndstrvm Participation in decision-making (2006) and Lee and Allen organizational citizenship behavior (2002) questionnaires. To analyze the data, correlation and regression analysis were used. The results showed, there is a significant correlation between participation in decision-making and organizational citizenship behavior with Corporate identity. Also, corporate identity can be predicted through citizenship behavior (b=1/12,(05/0 ≥ α and Participation in decision-making)b=0/35 ,. (05/0 ≥ α At the same time, there is a significant relationship between membership, loyalty and similarity whit participation in decision-making and organizational citizenship. Thus, by increasing the participation of employees in management decisions and improved organizational behaviors sense of corporate identity can be promoted.