Organizational Behavior Management
Salar Abedi; mohsen behnam; Seyed Mohammad Kashef
The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the moderating role of organizational capacity on the relationship between servant leadership and the nature of innovation through organizational learning. In terms of the applied purpose, this research is a descriptive correlation type in ...
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The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the moderating role of organizational capacity on the relationship between servant leadership and the nature of innovation through organizational learning. In terms of the applied purpose, this research is a descriptive correlation type in terms of the method of data collection. Managers and employees of non-profit sports organizations (Northwest sports teams) constitute the statistical population of this research, 150 people were selected as samples using available sampling method. In the present study, from the standard questionnaire of servant leadership style of Lu (2017); Prasad and Jouni standard questionnaire of organizational innovation (2016); The standard organizational learning questionnaire of Pham and Swireszek (2006) and Abdi's standard capacity building questionnaire (2016) were used. Smart PLS3 software was used for data analysis. The results of the hypotheses test showed that the effect of servant leadership on the nature of innovation both directly and through organizational learning in non-profit sports organizations is positive and significant. But the moderating role of organizational capacity was not reported in the significant model.
Organizational Behavior Management
Hossein Ali Hossein; mohsen behnam; Seyed Mohammad Kashef
The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of creating shared value and employee engagement on the relationship between servant leadership and innovative service offering in sports clubs. The research method was descriptive correlational. The statistical population of this study was ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of creating shared value and employee engagement on the relationship between servant leadership and innovative service offering in sports clubs. The research method was descriptive correlational. The statistical population of this study was the employees of sports clubs in Iraq, and 385 of them were selected as the sample using stratified random sampling. The structural equation modeling was used to analyze the hypotheses by using PLS 3 software. The results showed that servant leadership has a significant relationship with employee engagement, creating shared value, and innovative service offering. Creating shared value does not have a significant relationship with innovative service delivery, but employee engagement has a significant relationship with innovative service delivery. Moreover, creating shared value mediates the relationship between servant leadership and innovative service delivery, but employee engagement does not mediate this relationship. In general, it can be said that when creating shared value is influenced by servant leadership, the organization's capacity to identify and respond to social needs and challenges through innovative services is strengthened.
Majid Jalali Farahani; Masoud Freydoni
The main purpose of the present study was to model the effect of service and distribution leadership on dynamic job behaviors and enhance the organizational performance of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.The research method was descriptive correlational, in terms of target and in terms ...
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The main purpose of the present study was to model the effect of service and distribution leadership on dynamic job behaviors and enhance the organizational performance of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.The research method was descriptive correlational, in terms of target and in terms of data collection method was survey type. In order to study servant leadership, distributed leadership, dynamic job behaviors and organizational performance. Firstly, existing research in informational and library resources was studied and after several consultation and review sessions, effective factors were identified and in the form of a questionnaire and a conceptual model of the research, two times as Delphi method, the experts' survey was laid. A questionnaire was developed in the form of 9 questions for servant leadership, 6 questions for distributed leadership, 7 questions for dynamic job behaviors and 5 questions for organizational performance. Structural equations modeling was used to analyze questions.دThe fit model results (NFI=0.94, TLI=0.92, CFI=0.91, GFI=0.90, AGFI=0.91) indicate that the model is suitable. Also, the results of path analysis confirmed the effect of service leadership and distributed leadership on dynamic job behavior and organizational performance. The knowledge gained from this research helps managers and planners of sports organizations to focus on enhancing organizational performance through the development of specific leadership behaviors.
Behzad Izadi; Abed Mahmoodian
Volume 4, Issue 4 , January 2018, , Pages 75-89
Servant leadership is the most effective leadership approach to creating and developing an ethical Climate in sports organizations due to its unique features.The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of servant leadership on perceptions of an ethical climate in Sport Organizations through ...
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Servant leadership is the most effective leadership approach to creating and developing an ethical Climate in sports organizations due to its unique features.The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of servant leadership on perceptions of an ethical climate in Sport Organizations through the mediating organizational trust and justice.The following survey was done with descriptive and Structural Equation modeling type. The statistical sample is equal to society (N = n=138),which includes all employees of sport and youth departments of Kurdistan province. From the standard questionnaires Servant leadership Van Dierendonck and Nuijten (2011),organizational justice Colquitt (2001), Trust Robinson (2012) and Ethical Climate Wang and Hsieh (2012) were used why their form and content validity and its internal consistency were verified respectively by specialists and by Cronbach's alpha(the order, .84, .80, .92, .85), and a confirmatory factor analysis for the validity of its constructs and SEM model was used for the analyses of the data.The findings showed that the leadership servant has a positive and significant effect on perception ethical climate.Also,two variables of trust and organizational justice have a positive and significant role in moderating role of relationship between leadership servant and ethical Climate. Sport organization managers can use the leadership style of the servant and behaviors of this style, and focus on organizational justice and the development of employees' trust, the creation and development of an ethical Climate to reduce the scandals, behaviors and ethical issues in the field Sports support
Mehrdad Moharramzadeh; Hooshyar Fattahi; Seyed Mohammad Kashef
Volume 3, Issue 2 , July 2016, , Pages 21-30
This study aimed to investigate the effect of servant leadership on intellectual capital; test the role of mediator organizational socialization Is done. The research method was descriptive and co relational study, structural equation modeling. Statistical population included all male and female employees ...
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This study aimed to investigate the effect of servant leadership on intellectual capital; test the role of mediator organizational socialization Is done. The research method was descriptive and co relational study, structural equation modeling. Statistical population included all male and female employees in the departments of Youth and Sports in Western Azerbaijan province is 219 that by using sampling method purposefully non-random statistical sample 196 persons as sample were select for study. For gathering data, three standard questionnaires Servant leadership, intellectual capital and socialization were used. Research data after collecting by using statistical software LISREL, SPSS were analyzed. Results of Structural equation modeling showed that the direct effect of servant leadership (0/35) and organizational socialization (0/47) on intellectual capital at the level of 0/001is positive and significant. The direct effect of servant leadership (0/69) on organizational socialization at level of 0/001 is positive and significant. Indirect effect of servant leadership on intellectual capital with role of mediator organizational socialization (0/30) at level of 0/001 is positive and significant