Organizational Behavior Management
Somayeh Habibpour; Abolfazl Farahani; ali mohammas safaniya
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between information technology mastery and organizational productivity in female employees of sports complexes of Tehran Municipality with the mediating role of organizational empowerment and agility. Which is done by descriptive-correlation ...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between information technology mastery and organizational productivity in female employees of sports complexes of Tehran Municipality with the mediating role of organizational empowerment and agility. Which is done by descriptive-correlation method. The statistica l population includes 1350 managers and female employees of sports complexes of Tehran Municipality Organization. The statistical sample was calculated using Cochran's formula of 300 people. The sampling method is simple random and the data collection tool is a standard questionnaire Total reliability of questionnaires using Cronbach's alpha test / 75. Findings indicate that the correlation between the two variables of technology mastery and empowerment with a coefficient of / 463. In the first place and mastery of technology and organizational productivity / 420. In second place and empowerment and productivity / 408. In the third place, mastery of technology directly and indirectly affects organizational productivity. In the direct way, mastery of technology with the components of proper distribution of information, reduction of financial costs and indirectly through the effect on organizational agility and Empowerment affects productivity.
Organizational Behavior Management
Seyyed Jafar Moosavi; Seyed Reza Mousavi Gilani
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational health with creativity and personnel productivity among staff workers of the General Administration of Sports and Youth of Sistan and Baluchestan Province.This descriptive- correlation, study is an applied one in ...
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Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational health with creativity and personnel productivity among staff workers of the General Administration of Sports and Youth of Sistan and Baluchestan Province.This descriptive- correlation, study is an applied one in terms of objective. The statistical population of the research included the staff workers of the General Administration of sports and Youth of Sistan and Baluchestan Province. Measuring organizational health of Hui et al, questionnaire,the creativity of Torrance employees Questionnaire and “Hersey and Goldsmiths’ Productivity Questionnaire” were used to collect data. The content validity of the questionnaires was approved by sport management experts panel and the reliability was determined by Cronbach's alpha . For analysis of the data after testing the normality of the data through the use of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,the researcher applied single-groupt-test and Pearson’s correlation test.The results showed that there was a direct and significant relationship between the dimensions of organizational health with creativity and productivity of the staff workers.The results of the regression analysis showed that organizational health variable could predict 68% changes in creativity and 35% changes in productivity.The results also revealed that whole creativity and productivity among staff workers of the General Administration of Sports and Youth of Sistan and Baluchestan Province is in an undesirable level. It is concluded that managers strengthen organizational health by creating relationships and social interactions that result in a healthy work environment that leads to creativity and increased productivity
Ali Jafari; Morteza Rezaei Soofi; Loghman Keshavarz
purpose of this study was to design a social capital communication model and productivity of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.. The statistical population of the study included all 850 high-level, middle and senior managers, responsible experts, experts and experts working in the Ministry of Sports and ...
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purpose of this study was to design a social capital communication model and productivity of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.. The statistical population of the study included all 850 high-level, middle and senior managers, responsible experts, experts and experts working in the Ministry of Sports and Youth (Staff Division). According to the Morgan table, 265 people were randomly selected as sample. Social capital and productivity questionnaires were used to achieve the research objectives. Validity of both questionnaires was confirmed by 15 experts and their reliability was calculated in a pilot test with 30 subjects with Cronbach's alpha of 0.82 (social capital questionnaire) and 0.87 (productivity questionnaire). In order to analyze the collected data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov, T single-sample, confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, path analysis and to determine the causal relationship between variables using structural equation modeling method SPSS and AMOS software were used. The results of this study showed that social capital affects the productivity of managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Also, in the relationship between social capital and productivity, the dimension of assistance, evaluation, clarity, motivation, credibility, environment, and ability are the most effective.
Nadia Hamzeloo; Mohammad Kashef; Sara Keshkar
Volume 5, Issue 2 , May 2018, , Pages 11-20
The purpose of this study was to design a communication model for the legal environment, managerial information systems and the efficiency of sports federations of the country. The present study was a descriptive-correlation type of regression. The statistical population of the study consisted of heads ...
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The purpose of this study was to design a communication model for the legal environment, managerial information systems and the efficiency of sports federations of the country. The present study was a descriptive-correlation type of regression. The statistical population of the study consisted of heads of sports federations, sport federations, sports management professors of the universities of the country and Ph.D. students of sport management. The number of them included 178 people. Based on random method and using Morgan table, 160 people The title of the research was determined. The instruments for collecting this research were Hersati and Goldsmith's Human Resources Productivity Questionnaire (1981), Niknejad's Legal Environment Questionnaire (1394), and the Managers Intelligence Intelligence Questionnaire (2009). Validity and reliability of these questionnaires were investigated using common methods. In order to test the hypothesesstructural equation method (Smart PLS software) was used. The results of this study showed that the path coefficient for legal environment on management information systems is 0.547. The results also revealed that the path coefficient for the legal environment on human resource productivity is 0.197. The results of this study showed that the path coefficient for managerial information systems on human resource productivity is 0.758.
Majid Jalali Farahani; Masoud Fereydooni; Roya Zafari
Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 41-48
The aim of this study was finding a model for the impact between organizational culture on organisational learning and human resources productivity among the staff of the ministry of sports and youth. The research was descriptive and correlation it was practical in terms of purpose. the population of ...
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The aim of this study was finding a model for the impact between organizational culture on organisational learning and human resources productivity among the staff of the ministry of sports and youth. The research was descriptive and correlation it was practical in terms of purpose. the population of this study was all employees of the ministry of sports and youth and its samples were 285 person which were selected randomly. the research background and theoretical framework of mediator variables were identified and then the primary model of the research was designed and a questionnaire was prepared according the model. After confirmation of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire it was filledby staff of the ministry of sports and youth. structural equation modeling was used for data analysis.The results showed that multiplier effect of Organizational Culture on Organisational Learning was 0.43 and multiplier effect on Human resources productivity was 0.63. Multiplier effect of Organisational Learning on Human resources productivity was also achieved 0.53. The model that was presented in this study confirmed the impact of Organizational Culture Organisational Learning on Human resources productivity. Finally, according to the findings of this model it is suggested tochange or amended characteristics that are undesirable and ineffective bymanagement of changeing culture, and hence to increase organizational learning and labor productivity.
Volume 2, Issue 3 , April 2015, , Pages 89-102
The present research sought to examine the impact of the information technology (IT) and the management information system (MIS) on the organizational performance of physical education managers and experts in the education department of Khorasan-e Razavi province. This descriptive-correlational study ...
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The present research sought to examine the impact of the information technology (IT) and the management information system (MIS) on the organizational performance of physical education managers and experts in the education department of Khorasan-e Razavi province. This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on a statistical population consisted of all managers and experts of the education department of Khorasan-e Razavi in 2015. The sample size (N=62) was equal to the statistical population since the latter included a limited number of participants. Data related to IT were gathered using a questionnaire designed by Azizi et al. (2013); data related to MIS were gathered using a questionnaire designed by Mostafaei (2009); and data related to organizational performance were gathered using a questionnaire designed by Rezaei (2014). The validity of the questionnaires had been confirmed in previous studies while their reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha which produced the following results: =α 0.817 for IT questionnaire, =α 0.958 for MIS questionnaire, and α= 0.925 for organizational performance questionnaire. Also, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were employed at the significance level of to analyze data. Results from Friedman test showed that subjects under study attached more importance and priority to the use of intranet and employee databases in the fields of IT and MIS respectively. Also, a significant positive relationship was observed between IT and organizational performance and between MIS and organizational performance. When compared to MIS, IT was a stronger predictor of improvement in the organizational performance of physical education in the education system.