fereshteh kotobi; mohsen fallah; Mohammad Mirrokni; majid namvar
The purpose of this study was to design a model for mediating the role of organizational citizenship behavior in relation to causal jihadi management and organizational virtue with the political behavior of employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method is descriptive-correlational ...
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The purpose of this study was to design a model for mediating the role of organizational citizenship behavior in relation to causal jihadi management and organizational virtue with the political behavior of employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method is descriptive-correlational and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study was the employees of the Deputy for Management Development and Support Resources of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and its number is 290 people. According to Cochran's formula, the number of samples was 127. The data collection tools of this study were Hejazifar Jihadi Management Questionnaire (2015), Organizational Virtue of Cameron et al. (2004), Shaker Ardakani Organizational Citizenship Behavior (2015) and Amir Sheibani (2001) Political Behavior. Structural equation modeling method under Smart PLS3 software was used to investigate the research model and validate the hypotheses. The results showed, it was found that the variable of jihadi management has a positive and significant effect on organizational virtue. Also, the positive and significant effect of organizational virtue on organizational citizenship behavior and organizational citizenship behavior on employees' political behavior was confirmed. But the effect of jihadi management variable on citizenship behavior was not confirmed. Regarding mediation relations, it was found that organizational virtue mediates the effect of jihadi management on organizational citizenship behavior. Citizenship behavior also plays a mediating role in the relationship between organizational virtue variables and employees' political behavior. However, the effect of mediating the variable of organizational citizenship behavior in the relationship between jihadi management and political behavior of employees was not confirmed.
Hamid Shafizadeh; Saeed Gilvari
Volume 5, Issue 2 , May 2018, , Pages 21-30
This study was formed to investigate the relationship between participation in decision-making and organizational citizenship behavior with the organizational identity in sports coaches of Garmsar city. The study design was descriptive and correlational. Statistical society consisted of sports coaches ...
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This study was formed to investigate the relationship between participation in decision-making and organizational citizenship behavior with the organizational identity in sports coaches of Garmsar city. The study design was descriptive and correlational. Statistical society consisted of sports coaches and sports experts of Garmsar city, Among them 300 were selected by random sampling and were tested. Research tools included Cheney corporate identity (1983), Mykayyly chnk and Lndstrvm Participation in decision-making (2006) and Lee and Allen organizational citizenship behavior (2002) questionnaires. To analyze the data, correlation and regression analysis were used. The results showed, there is a significant correlation between participation in decision-making and organizational citizenship behavior with Corporate identity. Also, corporate identity can be predicted through citizenship behavior (b=1/12,(05/0 ≥ α and Participation in decision-making)b=0/35 ,. (05/0 ≥ α At the same time, there is a significant relationship between membership, loyalty and similarity whit participation in decision-making and organizational citizenship. Thus, by increasing the participation of employees in management decisions and improved organizational behaviors sense of corporate identity can be promoted.
Javad Karimi; Fereshteh Mohammadi; Homayoun Abbasi
Volume 5, Issue 2 , May 2018, , Pages 69-76
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of organizational Fit on organizational citizenship behavior regarding the role of mediation of psychological empowerment of employees in experts of physical education departments of Iranian universities. The research method is descriptive-survey ...
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The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of organizational Fit on organizational citizenship behavior regarding the role of mediation of psychological empowerment of employees in experts of physical education departments of Iranian universities. The research method is descriptive-survey and in terms of applied purpose. The statistical population consisted of all experts of physical education departments of Iranian universities. By sampling the whole number, 240 individuals were selected as samples. Data were collected using three standard organizational fit scales (Scrooggins, 2003), psychological empowerment questionnaire (Spraitzer and Mishra, 1995) and organizational citizenship behavior inventory questionnaire (Podsakoff et al., 1990). Structural equation modeling and path analysis using LaserL software were used to analyze the data. The results of the research showed that organizational adequacy affects organizational citizenship behavior and psychological empowerment of employees, and psychological empowerment mediates the effect of organizational proportions on organizational citizenship behavior. We conclude, therefore, that when managers of organizations, if they are looking for a suitable citizenship behavior, can create an appropriate Fit between the individual and the organization and take steps to empower the employees psychologically
Shahab Bahrami; Maryam Hosseini
Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 11-18
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior(organization - individual) were employees of the Ministry of sport and Youth. The study population included all employees of the Ministry of of Youth and Sports which useing random sampling ...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior(organization - individual) were employees of the Ministry of sport and Youth. The study population included all employees of the Ministry of of Youth and Sports which useing random sampling of 253 of them were selected as samples. The instrument used in this study include organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire Tepper et al (2004) and job satisfaction Hart Line and Ferrell(1996). the validity, has been approved. and by using Cronboch’s alpha reliability of the questionnaire organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction 0/81 and 0/73 was obtained. To analysis the data, Pearson correlation test, factor analysis and structural equation modeling in SPSS and LISREL used was. The research findings showed that job satisfaction has a significant effect on the behavior of individual citizens and organizations. Finally, it can be stated that if we can Youth and Sports Ministry provided job satisfaction, Can be used to perform the duties from the extra role they had hoped.
Rahim Ramezaninezhad; Mohammadali Sahebkaran; Maziyar KHoshpayam
Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 49-60
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between athlete’s satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Iranian Basketball Players of Premier League. The method was descriptive and correlational. Basketball players of 12 teams (N=134) including all male Iranian ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between athlete’s satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Iranian Basketball Players of Premier League. The method was descriptive and correlational. Basketball players of 12 teams (N=134) including all male Iranian players involved in Iran Premier League have completed demographic questionnaire, Athletes’ Satisfaction Questionnaire (Chelladurai and Riemer, 1998), and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Questionnaire (Podsakoff et al, 1997. A panel of Sport Management experts (n=12), reviewed the translated from of instruments, and 30 athletes participated in pilot study, and finally results of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient demonstrated the internal reliability of ASQ (r=0/93) and OCB (r=0/89). Data were analyzed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Spearman Correlation coefficient, and multiple variable Regression in significant level of P≥0/05.The results indicated significant relationship between athlete Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (r=0/60). Moreover, predictive power of Sportsmanship and helping Behavior via satisfaction from coach s’ training and team performance were higher than other dimensions of athlete’s satisfaction (P≥0/05). However, only coach’s behavior and interaction had significant effect in predicting index of civil behavior (P≥0/05). In generaly, athletes’ satisfaction from coach and team can improve Organizational Citizenship Behavior in team.
Seyed Yahya Mir Moeini; Majid Jalali Farahani; Ebrahim Alidoost Ghahfarokhi
Volume 3, Issue 4 , January 2017, , Pages 111-123
Objective of this study was designing of organizational citizenship behavior prediction model for physical educators from job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational justice. The survey was conducted by Applied Research. The population included all physical educators who were working ...
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Objective of this study was designing of organizational citizenship behavior prediction model for physical educators from job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational justice. The survey was conducted by Applied Research. The population included all physical educators who were working in city Tehran in the 1394-1395 academic years. The total number (1500 teachers) was selected as statistical society. the finally (320number)were selected sample Standardized questionnaires consist of the organizational justice developed by Niehoff and Moorman (1993), organizational commitment developed by Allen and Meyer (1991), job satisfaction Minnesota (1997) and OCB developed by Padsakof et al (2000) were used to collect information. Pearson correlation, multiple regression and structural equation modeling technique were used. Data were analysis by software LISREL8, SPSS19 with a 95% confidence. Results showed significant relationships between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational justice with organizational citizenship behavior. Internal and external Job satisfaction, affective commitment and interactional justice were the best predictors for organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore, path analysis indicated that job satisfaction directly related to organizational citizenship behavior, but organizational commitment and organizational justice indirectly by influencing on job satisfaction influenced on organizational citizenship behavior.
Volume 3, Issue 3 , September 2016, , Pages 19-25
The purpose of study was to examine The Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Mediating Role of Organizational Trust in Ministry of Sport and Youth Iran. The research method is descriptive-correlation and statistical population included all experts of ...
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The purpose of study was to examine The Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Mediating Role of Organizational Trust in Ministry of Sport and Youth Iran. The research method is descriptive-correlation and statistical population included all experts of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, that their number is 350 people. And stratified random sampling proportional to size, 185 of were selected as sample. The tools measuring of authentic leadership questionnaire Olive et al (2007), the organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire Padsakf et al (1990), the organizational trust questionnaire Moorman et al (1988). For data analyze, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation coefficient test and regression analysis test were used. In this study we were used from SPSS and LISREL software’s. Also, based on the suggested model can be said that, authentic leadership with positive effects on confidence corporate average by a factor of 0/48 and 0/78 high positive effect on behavior. Organizational trust with beta coefficient 0/56 a relatively high positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. It can be concluded between authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behavior there is a significant relationship with the role of organizational trust.
Shirin Zardoshtiyan; Homayoun Abbasi; Mohammad Esmaeili; Saeid Khanmoradi
Volume 2, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 93-103
The aim of this study was Perceived Organizational Support, Job Involvement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Physical Education Teachers in Hamedan Province. The research method is descriptive – Correlation. The statistical population was including of all physical education teachers in ...
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The aim of this study was Perceived Organizational Support, Job Involvement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Physical Education Teachers in Hamedan Province. The research method is descriptive – Correlation. The statistical population was including of all physical education teachers in Hamedan Province (763 people). Random cluster sampling with proportional allocation used Finally 350 people responded to the questionnaire. We used Podsak(1990), OCB questionnaires, Kannungo (1982) job involvement questionnaires and Eizenberger(1986) perceived organizational support questionnaires. Their validity was approved from 10 viewpoint of sport management specialist and their reliability was approved with Cronbach's alpha Arrangement (0/78, 0/82, and 0/87). For data analyze, we used to descriptive statistics (The mean, standard deviation …) and inferencial statistics (k-s, Pearson Correlación, ANOVA and regresion). Result shows that job involvement (3/55) is more than the average citizen behavior (3/36) and perceived organizational support (2/68). There is A significant relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Job Involvement (P