Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor Farhangian University

2 Assistant Professor of Azad University

3 Master of Taft Azad University

4 farhangian University


The purpose of this study was to design a model for mediating the role of organizational citizenship behavior in relation to causal jihadi management and organizational virtue with the political behavior of employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method is descriptive-correlational and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study was the employees of the Deputy for Management Development and Support Resources of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and its number is 290 people. According to Cochran's formula, the number of samples was 127. The data collection tools of this study were Hejazifar Jihadi Management Questionnaire (2015), Organizational Virtue of Cameron et al. (2004), Shaker Ardakani Organizational Citizenship Behavior (2015) and Amir Sheibani (2001) Political Behavior. Structural equation modeling method under Smart PLS3 software was used to investigate the research model and validate the hypotheses. The results showed, it was found that the variable of jihadi management has a positive and significant effect on organizational virtue. Also, the positive and significant effect of organizational virtue on organizational citizenship behavior and organizational citizenship behavior on employees' political behavior was confirmed. But the effect of jihadi management variable on citizenship behavior was not confirmed. Regarding mediation relations, it was found that organizational virtue mediates the effect of jihadi management on organizational citizenship behavior. Citizenship behavior also plays a mediating role in the relationship between organizational virtue variables and employees' political behavior. However, the effect of mediating the variable of organizational citizenship behavior in the relationship between jihadi management and political behavior of employees was not confirmed.


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