Meysam Noori Khanyourdi; Mahdi Bashiri; Rasoul Faraji; Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh; Daryush Marefat
The aim of this study aims to influence organizational identity, organizational commitment and turnover intention of ethical climate. This research was applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation method, in terms of field-library ...
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The aim of this study aims to influence organizational identity, organizational commitment and turnover intention of ethical climate. This research was applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation method, in terms of field-library data collection, in terms of how the research was conducted. The statistical population of the study was the staff of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth of East Azerbaijan Province. The statistical sample-based on Morgan table was 178 people who were selected by simple random sampling. The measurement Instrument in this study was the Allen & Meyer's organizational commitment questionnaire (1990), the A tendency to leave the organization Flint (2013), Victor and Cullen ethical climate (2013), and the organizational identity of Ashforth and Mael (1992). Its face and content validity were confirmed by 10 sports management specialists; The reliability of the organizational identity questionnaires, ethical climate, turnover intention and organizational commitment were obtained using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.89, 0.87 0.92 and 0,88 respectively. For data analysis in the descriptive statistics section of the average and standard deviation by SPSS software 24, and in the inferential statistics section, structural equations were used to evaluate the causal relationships between variables using Lisrel Version 3 software. Findings showed that ethical climate has an effect on organizational commitment and organizational identity and there is a positive and significant relationship but its effect on the turnover intention of the service was not confirmed. Therefore, managers of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth should identify the factors affecting the moral climate in order to increase organizational identity and organizational commitment and reduce the turnover intention of the service.
Organizational Behavior Management
MOHAMMADALI sahebkaran; jafar khoshbakhti; Mehdi Soleymani
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of social responsibility on organizational performance with the mediating role of organizational commitment from the perspective of employees of sports and youth offices in South Khorasan. The method of this research is descriptive-survey and the ...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of social responsibility on organizational performance with the mediating role of organizational commitment from the perspective of employees of sports and youth offices in South Khorasan. The method of this research is descriptive-survey and the statistical population of the present study is all employees of sports and youth offices of South Khorasan province. Due to the limited statistical population, the statistical sample was considered equal to the statistical population (total number) (N = 186). In order to analyze the data and the relationships between the variables, Smart PLS3 software was used. According to the data analysis, the results showed that social responsibility has a significant effect on organizational commitment (r= 0.882) and organizational performance of sports and youth offices in South Khorasan (r= 0.316). In addition, for this organizational commitment has a significant effect on organizational performance (r= 0.592). The results also showed that social responsibility has a significant effect on the organizational performance of employees of sports and youth offices of South Khorasan through the mediating role of organizational commitment (r= 0.522). Therefore, all managers of sports and youth offices of South Khorasan province are recommended to increase the overall performance of their organization in order to have a more dynamic organization by increasing social responsibility and organizational commitment among the employees of their organizations.
Reza Andam; Zahra Karimi; Amir Montazeri
Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 87-96
The purpose of this research was to analyzed the relationship between work ethic with job satisfaction and organizational commitment of events volunteers in sport. The method that applied in this research was descriptive-correlation. The research statistic population consists of all volunteers participating ...
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The purpose of this research was to analyzed the relationship between work ethic with job satisfaction and organizational commitment of events volunteers in sport. The method that applied in this research was descriptive-correlation. The research statistic population consists of all volunteers participating in twelfth sport-cultural Olympiad of male and female students of universities all around the country. In fact, 133 persons were evaluated as the sample of the research. For collecting data, it was used from two questionnaires work ethic of Petty (1990), satisfaction of volunteer experiences of Mallaei et al (2009) and organizational commitment of Allen and Mayer (1991). To determine the causal relationship between variables collected data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between work ethic and Satisfaction, work ethic and organizational commitment, Satisfaction and organizational commitment Volunteers. Also there is an indirect, positive and significant relationship the mediating role of satisfaction between work ethic and organizational commitment. It is recommended to athletic directors to increase satisfaction in sport volunteers by providing ethic codes and developing work ethic principles and through continue to develop their partnership.
Seyed Yahya Mir Moeini; Majid Jalali Farahani; Ebrahim Alidoost Ghahfarokhi
Volume 3, Issue 4 , January 2017, , Pages 111-123
Objective of this study was designing of organizational citizenship behavior prediction model for physical educators from job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational justice. The survey was conducted by Applied Research. The population included all physical educators who were working ...
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Objective of this study was designing of organizational citizenship behavior prediction model for physical educators from job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational justice. The survey was conducted by Applied Research. The population included all physical educators who were working in city Tehran in the 1394-1395 academic years. The total number (1500 teachers) was selected as statistical society. the finally (320number)were selected sample Standardized questionnaires consist of the organizational justice developed by Niehoff and Moorman (1993), organizational commitment developed by Allen and Meyer (1991), job satisfaction Minnesota (1997) and OCB developed by Padsakof et al (2000) were used to collect information. Pearson correlation, multiple regression and structural equation modeling technique were used. Data were analysis by software LISREL8, SPSS19 with a 95% confidence. Results showed significant relationships between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational justice with organizational citizenship behavior. Internal and external Job satisfaction, affective commitment and interactional justice were the best predictors for organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore, path analysis indicated that job satisfaction directly related to organizational citizenship behavior, but organizational commitment and organizational justice indirectly by influencing on job satisfaction influenced on organizational citizenship behavior.
ali jafari; mohammad alimardani
Volume 3, Issue 3 , September 2016, , Pages 37-44
The aim of this study was Regression analysis of job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the effectiveness of physical education teachers of Tehran’s Counties. The study population consisted of 1850 teachers of physical education in schools of Tehran’s Counties over the 93-94 academic ...
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The aim of this study was Regression analysis of job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the effectiveness of physical education teachers of Tehran’s Counties. The study population consisted of 1850 teachers of physical education in schools of Tehran’s Counties over the 93-94 academic year. According to Morgan 319 people randomly selected for the sample. for Data collection, standard questionnaire of Herzberg's job- satisfaction, containing 72 questions, standard questionnaire of Allen and Meyer’s organizational commitment containing 24 questions and standard questionnaire of Goldberg’s effectiveness containing 20 questions were used. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by 15 experts. The reliability of a preliminary study on 30 subjects by using Cronbach's alpha were calculated (0/79, 0/81, 0/83). In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, linear regression, multiple regression and path analysis were used by using SPSS software 19.The results showed that job satisfaction have direct relationship with 0/53 route ratio with organizational commitment and also direct relationship with effectiveness with 0/40 route ratio. Also organizational commitment with 0/34 route ratio has direct relationship with effectiveness. Also teachers Job-satisfaction indirectly with 0/63 route ratio and through organizational commitment with effectiveness of physical education teachers of Tehran’s Counties has meaningful realationship. Organizational commitment and job satisfaction are key factors in the success of any organization. The main aim of High levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment efforts to achieve organizational goals that are linked to organizational effectiveness.
Volume 3, Issue 3 , September 2016, , Pages 75-86
The goal of the present study is to investigate the relation between spiritual Intelligence, organizational commitment and job satisfaction Employees of Sport and Youth General Office of Selected Provinces. The research method is descriptive-correlation. The statistical society of this research includes ...
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The goal of the present study is to investigate the relation between spiritual Intelligence, organizational commitment and job satisfaction Employees of Sport and Youth General Office of Selected Provinces. The research method is descriptive-correlation. The statistical society of this research includes all employees of Sport and Youth General Office of Selected Provinces accounted to 185 individuals; among them 125 individuals were selected as the sample using simple sampling method. Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaires of AbdoallahZade et al (2010), job satisfaction of Smith et al (1969) and organizational commitment of Allen & Meyer (1990) were used for data collection procedure; after validity was proved by experts reliability was also computed by using Cronbach Alpha. To analyze data and research assumptions tests, regression analysis and structured equations model were used through applying SPSS and LISREL softwares. Findings show that the relation between spiritual Intelligence and job satisfaction, spiritual Intelligence and organizational commitment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment is meaningful. Moreover, there is a multiple relation between spiritual Intelligence with job satisfaction and spiritual Intelligence with organizational commitment; therefore, spiritual Intelligence may predicts 27% and 23% of job satisfaction and organizational commitment variances.
Hossein Eydi
Volume 2, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 11-24
The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social capital, job satisfaction and organizational commitment and performance of the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The population of the study, 303 experts and directors of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, formed, out ...
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The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social capital, job satisfaction and organizational commitment and performance of the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The population of the study, 303 experts and directors of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, formed, out of which, 181 people were selected. The data gathered, four questionnaire organizational performance Hersey and Goldsmith (2003), commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1997), social capital (Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998) and job satisfaction (Minnesota, 1967). Formalized their validity, and reliability was obtained, using Cronbach's alpha for the questionnaire on organizational performance, 0/87, organizational commitment, 80/0, social capital, 86/0 and job satisfaction 0/90. The results of analysis on the structural equation model indicated that the model fit was good, and acceptable. And all paths (hypotheses) were confirmed with high confidence. In the meantime, most of the work on the relationship between organizational commitment and performance (54%). Social capital and job satisfaction are also each work 41 and 33 percent on their commitment.