Document Type : Research Paper



The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social capital, job satisfaction and organizational commitment and performance of the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The population of the study, 303 experts and directors of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, formed, out of which, 181 people were selected. The data gathered, four questionnaire organizational performance Hersey and Goldsmith (2003), commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1997), social capital (Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998) and job satisfaction (Minnesota, 1967). Formalized their validity, and reliability was obtained, using Cronbach's alpha for the questionnaire on organizational performance, 0/87, organizational commitment, 80/0, social capital, 86/0 and job satisfaction 0/90. The results of analysis on the structural equation model indicated that the model fit was good, and acceptable. And all paths (hypotheses) were confirmed with high confidence. In the meantime, most of the work on the relationship between organizational commitment and performance (54%). Social capital and job satisfaction are also each work 41 and 33 percent on their commitment.


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