Organizational Behavior Management
samaneh salimi; fatemeh shahreki de sokhte
The present study aimed to investigate the effect of ethical leadership on job attachment with the mediating role of trust building among the teachers and present a structural equation model. This study was methodologically descriptive-correlational, and the statistical population consisted of 390 All ...
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The present study aimed to investigate the effect of ethical leadership on job attachment with the mediating role of trust building among the teachers and present a structural equation model. This study was methodologically descriptive-correlational, and the statistical population consisted of 390 All physical education teachers in Zahedan. Using Krejcie and Morgan’s sample size determination table, the study calculated the sample size at 198, and the sampling method was simple randomization. The ethical leadership questionnaire by Carlson et al (2011), job involvement questionnaire Edwards and Kilpatrick (1984), and trust building questionnaire Tarzi et al (2014) were employed for data collection. Eight specialists confirmed the content validity of the questionnaires according to the CVR and CVI indices. Moreover, the reliabilities of the scales were estimated at 0.900, 0.823, and 0.932, respectively, based on the Cronbach alpha coefficient. The data derived from the questionnaires were analyzed by the SPSS 23 and LISREL 8.8 software at the two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics, including Pearson correlation coefficient, and structural equation modeling. The results of the Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling displayed that ethical leadership directly affected job involvement and trust building, and job involvement directly affected trust building. But the indirect effect of moral leadership on job attachment through confidence building has been less than its direct effect.
Shahram Nazari; Masoumeh Bakhit; Kamran Eydipour
Volume 4, Issue 2 , July 2017, , Pages 69-76
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of social undermining the functioning of the Directorate General of Youth and Sports Organization of Tehran province was the mediating role of job involvement. The research method is descriptive survey in the category applied research and the ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of social undermining the functioning of the Directorate General of Youth and Sports Organization of Tehran province was the mediating role of job involvement. The research method is descriptive survey in the category applied research and the field was conducted. The study consisted of all employees of the General Directorate of Youth and Sports in Tehran that their number was 150. The sample was considered as a whole number. In order to collect data three questionnaires of social undermining Duffy and colleagues (2002), job involvement questionnaire Ladahl and Knjr (1995), and a questionnaire Hersey and Goldsmith (2003), was used. Data analysis using LISREL software using descriptive and inferential statistics, And in line with further analysis of the correlation and path analysis was used to model the causal relations. The results showed that, social undermining effect by a factor of -0/37 as negative affects on organizational performance, as well as social undermining job with the mediation of conflicts caused by a factor of -0/42 indirect impact on organizational performance.
Shirin Zardoshtiyan; Homayoun Abbasi; Mohammad Esmaeili; Saeid Khanmoradi
Volume 2, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 93-103
The aim of this study was Perceived Organizational Support, Job Involvement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Physical Education Teachers in Hamedan Province. The research method is descriptive – Correlation. The statistical population was including of all physical education teachers in ...
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The aim of this study was Perceived Organizational Support, Job Involvement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Physical Education Teachers in Hamedan Province. The research method is descriptive – Correlation. The statistical population was including of all physical education teachers in Hamedan Province (763 people). Random cluster sampling with proportional allocation used Finally 350 people responded to the questionnaire. We used Podsak(1990), OCB questionnaires, Kannungo (1982) job involvement questionnaires and Eizenberger(1986) perceived organizational support questionnaires. Their validity was approved from 10 viewpoint of sport management specialist and their reliability was approved with Cronbach's alpha Arrangement (0/78, 0/82, and 0/87). For data analyze, we used to descriptive statistics (The mean, standard deviation …) and inferencial statistics (k-s, Pearson Correlación, ANOVA and regresion). Result shows that job involvement (3/55) is more than the average citizen behavior (3/36) and perceived organizational support (2/68). There is A significant relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Job Involvement (P