nima esmaeel nesab; sayyed jalil miryousefi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of Organizational Health and psychological capital with Staff’s improving the psychological well-being in sports organizations of Kerman province. This study was a descriptive-correlative type that was administered as a field study. The population ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of Organizational Health and psychological capital with Staff’s improving the psychological well-being in sports organizations of Kerman province. This study was a descriptive-correlative type that was administered as a field study. The population of this study included all employees of sports organizations of Kerman province (N=245), that among them 150 persons selected by cluster sampling method. After determining validity and reliability, in order to data gathering use of Organizational Health, psychological capital and psychological well-being questionnaires. The data analyzed by method Partial Least Square. Findings indicated that Organizational Health and psychological capital has a direct and significant impact on psychological well-being of sports organizations employees. According to the findings of this study, suggested to the experts sports organizations employees do provide the necessary context for the implementation of the Organizational Health and increase the psychological capital for human resource development in these organizations.
alireza nazari; reza andam; hasan bahrololoum; Hossein Eydi
The purpose of the present study was to design and validate organizational virtue models in sport organizations. This study's objectives are functional and its content is descriptive correlative. The statistical Society of the study was all the managers and office staff of Sports and Youth organization ...
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The purpose of the present study was to design and validate organizational virtue models in sport organizations. This study's objectives are functional and its content is descriptive correlative. The statistical Society of the study was all the managers and office staff of Sports and Youth organization of the West of the country which was opted purposefully. Gathering the required data was conducted through questionnaires, the face value of of which was confirmed by the experts of the field (14 people). Also, its reliability was approved by using alpha Cronbach test (0.83) and combined reliability. LISREL-SPSS24 software was used in order to examine and analyze the data and also the process of the model through structural equations sampling. The results of the present study showed that the following factors had a significant role in in assessing the organizational virtue structure: organizational structure(0.76, organizational Justice (0.74), work ethics (0.72), spirituality at work (0.73), psychological capital (0.69), spiritual intelligence (0.75), quality of communication (0.91), educational investment ( 0.92), discipline (0.90), behavioral virtues(0.91), behavioral well-being (0.80), social dignity (0.96) and citizenship behavior (0.92). Based on the model, it can generally be stated that the sports and youth offices, by emphasizing on an individual and organizational discipline, pain special attention to holding educational courses, making efforts to improve social dignities and betterment of behavioral virtues can take major steps towards increasingly expanding their organizational virtue.
Samad Goudarzi; Majid Jalali Farahani; Ali Saberi
The purpose of this study was to The Effect of Authentic Leadership Style on the Psychological Well-being of the Employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth with the Intermediate role of Psychological Capital. This research is descriptive research was a correlation based on structural equations The ...
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The purpose of this study was to The Effect of Authentic Leadership Style on the Psychological Well-being of the Employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth with the Intermediate role of Psychological Capital. This research is descriptive research was a correlation based on structural equations The statistical population of the study consisted of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, which was 860 people. According to the Krejsi and Morgan tables 260 people were selected as the statistical sample. Finally, using a simple random sampling method, 237 questionnaires were used for analysis. To measure the variables, the Luthans (2007) Psychological Capital, the Neider and Schriesheim (2011) Authentic Leadership and Ryff (1989) psychological well-being questionnaire were used. that validity and reliability were confirmed.for data analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations were used by Liserel software. The research findings showed that authentic leadership, both directly and indirectly through psychological capital affect the psychological well-being of employees. Therefore, it is suggested to sports managers that in order to improve their psychological well-being and psychological well-being, using their appropriate leadership style, they will develop the fields of psychological capital development and psychological well-being.
Mahboobeh Rouzbahani; Hossein Akbari Yazdi; Alireza Elahi
Volume 4, Issue 3 , August 2017, , Pages 51-60
The purpose of this study was to determine the mediator role of work conscience and organizational Cynicism in Relationship Between Psychological Capital And performens Of Ministry of Sport and Youths’ Staff. This research is an applied research method and in terms of data collection method, only ...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the mediator role of work conscience and organizational Cynicism in Relationship Between Psychological Capital And performens Of Ministry of Sport and Youths’ Staff. This research is an applied research method and in terms of data collection method, only correlational studies are used. The research community comprised all employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth . the sample size, 273 people were selected by stratified random sampling. Research instruments were psychological capital questionnaires, work conscience, organizational Cynicism performance. To assess the validity of the content of the questionnaires, the opinions of 7 professors in the field were confirmed. The reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation, regression and SPSS and AMOS software were used for fitting the measurement models derived from structural equation modeling. The results showed that psychological capital had a negative significant effect on organizational Cynicism, psychological capital on work conscience and psychological capital on performance The staff had a significant positive effect. Also, organizational Cynicism had a positive and significant effect on employees 'performance and negative effect of work conscienceon employees' performance . The findings showed that the psychological capital and conscientiousness of work were positively and directly influenced on the performance of the employees, and organizational Cynicism had a negative effect on the performance of the staff . The psychological capital through the organizational Cynicism variable through the variable of work conscience on employees' performance, can have a positive effect Meaningful
Loghman Keshavarz; Abolfazl Farahani; Mohamad Hadi Seyfi Saldehi
Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 97-111
The purpose of the present study was to clarify the effect of Psychological capital on corporate Entrepreneurship and presenting suitable model in the Ministry of Sport and Youth. The method of this study was descriptive and correlation. 275 subjects of this study were stratified randomly selected from ...
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The purpose of the present study was to clarify the effect of Psychological capital on corporate Entrepreneurship and presenting suitable model in the Ministry of Sport and Youth. The method of this study was descriptive and correlation. 275 subjects of this study were stratified randomly selected from all staff of the Ministry of Sport and Youth. Two questionnaires of Psychological capital (Luthans, Youssef & Avolio, 2007) and corporate entrepreneurship (Lawson, 2014) were used to collect data. One-Sample T Test was used to determine the status of Psychological capital, corporate entrepreneurship and their components and Pearson Correlation Coefficient Test and Structural Equation Modeling were used to determine the relationship among the variables of the research. The results indicated that mean of Psychological capital and its all dimensions were significantly upper than the intermediate level, mean of corporate entrepreneurship was equal with intermediate level, there is significant relationship between the Psychological capital and its all dimensions with the Entrepreneurship and research model approved the effect of Psychological capital on corporate entrepreneurship. On the basis of the findings of the present study, enhancement of Psychological capital in the Ministry of Sport and Youth can improve the entrepreneurship of the organization.
Ali Heyrani; Ahmad Mazloon saleh alrabiavi; saeed khanmoradi
Volume 3, Issue 3 , September 2016, , Pages 97-107
The purpose of this study was the path analysis of psychological capital and job satisfaction of physical education and nonphysical education Teachers in Amara province of IRAQ. The research method is descriptive and type of survey. The statistical population was including of all physical education and ...
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The purpose of this study was the path analysis of psychological capital and job satisfaction of physical education and nonphysical education Teachers in Amara province of IRAQ. The research method is descriptive and type of survey. The statistical population was including of all physical education and nonphysical education teachers in Amareh Province in Iraq (199 people). The statistical population was including all physical education teachers and nonphysical education teachers were selected using Morgan table (384 people). We used to Standard questionnaires Psychological Capital of Lotanz (2007) and job satisfaction of Wis deivis (1967). Validity was approved from viewpoint of sport management specialist (10 people) and its reliability also with Cronbach's alpha respectively, 0/83 and 0/73 was approved. For data analyze, we utilize to Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (k-s, Spearman correlation coefficient and u Mann-Whitney). Results showed that self-efficacy were highest mean. Also There is a significant positive relationship between psychological capital and its dimensions with job satisfaction (p
Maryam Hosseini; Shirin Zardoshtiyan
Volume 3, Issue 2 , July 2016, , Pages 11-19
The purpose of this study was to the effect of authentic leadership style on spirituality at work with mediating role of psychological capital in the west iranian jeneral youth and sport offices, The research method is descriptive survey and the population of this study included all administrative employees ...
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The purpose of this study was to the effect of authentic leadership style on spirituality at work with mediating role of psychological capital in the west iranian jeneral youth and sport offices, The research method is descriptive survey and the population of this study included all administrative employees of jeneral youth and sports west of Iran are 182 of us. The sample was considered as a whole number. In order to collect data, three questionnaires of authentic leadership Avolio (2007), psychological capital Luthans et al (2007) and spirituality at work Mylymn (2003), was used. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling and path analysis were used by the PLS software. The results showed that authentic leadership directly impact on spirituality at work staff. Also authentic leadership indirectly through the variables of psychological capital on spirituality at work is affected employees. This means that psychological capital as a mediator in the relationship between authentic leadership and spirituality at work played a role. It is concluded that sport organizations can substantially due to psychological problems staff and style of authentic leadership in their organizations, Provide field to increase spirituality and advancing and improving the performance of organizations staff.
Mohammad Bigharaz; Ebrahim Alidoost Ghahfarokhi; Ghodratollah Bagheri; Mohsen Ghofrani; Ali Saberi
Volume 3, Issue 1 , May 2016, , Pages 47-58
The aim of this research was to survey relationship spiritual leadership and social capital with psychological capital in Asia Vision League in Fars province. Research method was descriptive-correlation and population of this research includes all of football players presented in Fars, which in this ...
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The aim of this research was to survey relationship spiritual leadership and social capital with psychological capital in Asia Vision League in Fars province. Research method was descriptive-correlation and population of this research includes all of football players presented in Fars, which in this research it was used the total population sampling method. 180 questionnaires were distributed and finally 165 questionnaires were returned and used to analyze statistically. Data analyzed in two levels descriptive statistics (average, correlation coefficient, variance) and inferential statistics (Regression Pearson correlation coefficient). In this research sport management experts ideas used for questionnaires validity and reliability coefficient obtained from Cronbach's alpha method for spiritual leadership obtained 0.89 and for social capital 0.90and for psychological capital 0/088. The results showed that there was significant relationship between spiritual leadership and social capital with psychological capital. Result is that in todays' turbulent environments of sport teams through a series of relatively small and highly focused interventions that coaches want instant feedback on their teams performance results, the nature of social capital development could be helpful.