Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this research was to design relationship model of emotional intelligence and leadership style managers among Tehran municipality sports organization managers. Statistical population of this study included 49 managers of the Sports Organization of Tehran Municipality. All managers were selected as total number of research samples. To achieve the research goals Siberia Shrink questionnaire of emotional intelligence, Bass and Olive questionnaire of multifactor leadership style of leadership (MLQ) were used to determine the style of leaderships. Validity of two questionnaires were confirmed by 15 experts and their reliability were studied in a preliminary study with 30 subjects of experts and calculated as 0.87, 0.74 respectively. For data analysis the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics methods, including Kolmogorov- Smirnov, Single sample T student, one-way analysis of variance, LSD and path analysis were used and for determination of the causal relationship between variables the method of structural equations model by application of 18’s version of Amos graphics software and SPSS was used. Research findings showed that managers of emotional intelligence with coefficient of 0.46 have an impact on managers of leadership style. Transformational leadership style with coefficient of 0.95, self control with coefficient of 0.85, social skills with coefficient of 0.8, empathy with coefficient of 0.77, self motivation with coefficient of 0.7, self awareness with coefficient of 0.65, impoverished leadership style with coefficient of 0.59, and transactional leadership style with coefficient of 0.46 have the most role in their relationship. According to the effect of getting the leadership style of emotional intelligence, it is necessary in choosing sport for all organization managers; note their emotional intelligence as one of the main criteria for selecting them.


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