Document Type : Research Paper



The quality of educational services is determined by investigating the gap between student’s expectations (ideal situation) and provided educational services (existing situation). This research was following to answer this question: how is the educational services quality in faculty of physical education and sport science of University of Guilan?This research was as types of application researches in goals and was descriptive – survey in the mode of data collection. Statistical population was all of the students (except PhD students) of physical education and sport science faculty of Guilan University in academic year 1392-1393, about 440 people.  Samples collected in stratified random method by using Morgan table. According to this table, the sample size was 205 people that 174 questionnaire were received after completion through distributed questionnaires.
To data collection the SERVQUAL questionnaire with 5 dimensions was used with essential changes that Enayati was published it. Content validity of the questionnaire was investigated in viewpoint of experts and reliability of it was calculated with Croanbach’s alpha coefficient. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to determine concept validity.The results showed the perceived dimensions between girls and boys have no significant difference. Except the reliability dimension, the other perceived dimensions in undergraduate and master have significant difference. Prioritizing of expected quality services dimensions showed the girls and boys and in addition different levels of educations were significantly different. All of the dimensions of educational services quality have negative and significant gaps.Negative gaps means, the educational services quality were not in the expectation of students and so essential actions must be done to meet the student’s expectations. 


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