Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of teachers in physical education with 360 degree feedback. A sample of managers, physical education teachers, teachers of other subjects, and students of all schools (10 schools) of high school girls in Parsian city consisting 1022 Persons (950 students, 10 teachers of Physical Education, 10 managers and 50 teachers of other subjects), which each school has a total of 10 studies were selected for the sample. In physical education teachers, school administrators and teachers of other subjects, in whole or in part, according to Morgan and students randomly - drew 274 students were selected for the sample (344 = n). To achievs research goals four 33-item self-made questionnaire have been used to evaluate the performance of physical education teachers, administrators, teachers of other subjects, physical education teachers, students, and self-evaluation were used. The validity of each questionnaire was approved by 15 of experts and their reliability in a preliminary test with 30 subjects, with Cronbach 0/82, 0/86, 0/79 and 0/89 respectively. Data analysis included descriptive and inferential statistical methods Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t one group, one-way analysis of variance and Scheffe post hoc test using SPSS software was used. Results showed that the overall performance of teachers of physical education is at an intermediate level. Also, between the view of physical education teachers and school administrators, teachers and students in other subjects, there was statistically significant difference.


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