Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of the research was the investigation of the relationship between mental Health and Job  involvement of physical education teachers in Yasuj. The statistical population were all physical education teachers in Yasuj city (N=105), so all of them were chosen for the research sample by totally methods. To achieve the research goals, two standard questionnaires such as Dragvtys et al (1984) mental health questionnaire and Edward & Clipart job involvement (1984) questionnaire were used. Validity of two questionnaires was confirmed by 15 experts and their reliability were studied in a pilot study with 30 subjects and calculated as 0.95, and 0.78 respectively. For data analysis the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics methods, including Kolmogorov- Smirnov, Single sample T-student test, Pearson correlation  coefficient, and Friedman were used. The results indicated that paranoid thoughts, anxiety, depression, physical problems, interpersonal relationship sensitivity, obsessive or compulsive, aggression, and psychosis are the most important dimensions of health mental in the physical education teachers in Yasuj and there is a significant difference among the priorities of these factors. The mental health and dimensions of mental health were at the desirable level among physical education teachers in Yasuj. Also job involvement was at the desirable level among physical education teachers in Yasuj. Finally, there is a negative relationship and not significant relation between the mental health and dimensions of mental health and job involvement in physical education teachers in Yasuj (p≤ 0.05).


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