Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to identify factors that influence the behavior of the Iranian private sector to invest in professional sports and was a model. The study population consisted of experts in sports management, economy, private sector investment and sport managers.In the qualitative study,15 people are targeted based on a sample of 143 people were chosen as a sample.To achieve objectives of the 79-item questionnaire was used. validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 15 experts and construct validity was confirmed by factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha for the total scale structures and were higher than 0.7. The data on the quality of the Delphi method was used in three stages. The little too descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as K - S, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis with the help of the software SPSS 22 and Smartpls 3.0 was used. The model factors in attracting private sectorinvestment in professional sports management with load factor (0.922), marketing (0.890),especially sports (0/859), related to the economy (0/842), media and advertising (0/862), support (0.846), cultural (0.719), political (0.647) and legal (0.642) exist. The findings of this study wasto investigate the factor structure and theoretical foundation in this model fit (0.663) strong enough to suggest the models to explain the factors influencing the behavior of the private sector to invest in sport is a professional.


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