Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between authentic leadership style with job interest of General Sport and Young offices employments of west provinces of Iran. Study population was all employments and staff of General Sport and Young offices of west provinces of Iran (N=300). Sampling was done through category-simple sampling using Morgan Korsji Table (n=185). Study tools were two standard questionnaires included authentic leadership Questionnaire of Ovelyo, Gardner et al (2007) and Job Interest Questionnaire of Lodahal and Kejner (2001) that their reliabilities were reported 0.834 and 0.779 respectively. For data analyzing, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Study results showed significant positive correlation between authentic leadership style and its factors with job interest of employments. The results of multiple regression showed that basic leadership style can define and predict 0.240 of job interest changes. Based on the results, it can be suggested to managers of these organizations for improving interest of employments to their jobs and increasing their attitude and thoughts to organization and also improving organization performance, consider authentic leadership as their management style


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